Royal Cycle

+2240 gear Evasion
+(50–60)% Elemental Damage
+(6–8)% Elemental Resistance
+1% Fire Damage per (10–12) Strength
+1% Lightning Damage per (10–12) Dexterity
+1% Cold Damage per (10–12) Intelligence
+1% additional Elemental Damage for every (28–30) of the highest stat among Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence
What goes up, must come down. A kingdom is nothing but a flash in the passage of life.

+2240 gear Evasion
+(50–60)% Elemental Damage
+(6–8)% Elemental Resistance
+1% Fire Damage per (10–12) Strength
+1% Lightning Damage per (10–12) Dexterity
+1% Cold Damage per (10–12) Intelligence
+1% additional Elemental Damage for every (28–30) of the highest stat among Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence
What goes up, must come down. A kingdom is nothing but a flash in the passage of life.
+(80–90)% Elemental Damage
+(10–12)% Elemental Resistance
+1% Lightning Damage per (10–12) Dexterity
+1% Fire Damage per (10–12) Strength
+1% Fire Damage per (10–12) Strength
+1% additional Elemental Damage for every (18–20) of the highest stat among Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence