Severed Wrist

89 - 89 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(150–180) Attack Critical Strike Rating
Projectile Quantity +(1–2)
+30% Movement Speed for 3 s on defeat
+(40–50)% additional damage for Main-Hand Weapons
+30% Main-Hand Weapon Attack Speed

There is always a price to become the champion.
89 - 89 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

+(150–180) Attack Critical Strike Rating
Projectile Quantity +(1–2)
+30% Movement Speed for 3 s on defeat
+(40–50)% additional damage for Main-Hand Weapons
+30% Main-Hand Weapon Attack Speed

There is always a price to become the champion.
+(240–300) Attack Critical Strike Rating
+(2–3) Projectile Skill Level
+30% Attack Speed for 2 s upon hitting an Elite. Effect cannot stack
Joined Force
+(50–60)% Main-Hand Weapon Attack Speed
  • Base: Shadow Boomstick
  • id: 111201
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip