Void Embankment

+274 Gear Armor

+1 Max Life
+1 Max Energy Shield
+1 Max Mana
+120 all stats
+1% Elemental Resistance per 60 stats

Those who came after built an eternal embankment by the void.
No one cares about the bodies of those who are buried under.
+274 Gear Armor

+1 Max Life
+1 Max Energy Shield
+1 Max Mana
+120 all stats
+1% Elemental Resistance per 60 stats

Those who came after built an eternal embankment by the void.
No one cares about the bodies of those who are buried under.
+(100–120) Max Life
+(100–120) Max Energy Shield
+(100–120) Max Mana
+180 all stats
+1% Elemental Resistance per 40 stats
  • Base: Footman's Chestguard
  • id: 112126
  • drop level: 82

  • Tip