Spacetime Witness /2

Spacetime Illusion - Hero Trait /8
Spacetime Witness|Youga
Youga can create a Twisted Spacetime around himself to gain multiple buffs when staying inside it. When in the Twisted Spacetime, he can summon a shadow who can cast skills independently to assist him.
Youga can create a Twisted Spacetime around himself to gain multiple buffs when staying inside it. When in the Twisted Spacetime, he can summon a shadow who can cast skills independently to assist him.

Spacetime Illusion
Require lv 1-50 Spacetime Energy consumption
Immediately gainsSpacetime Illusion
Own Immediately gains
While having

Me and Myself
Require lv 45+30% Spacetime Illusion Cast Frequency
For every +5% Cooldown Recovery Speed or 2.5% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed, (+5/+7/+9/+11/+13)% Spacetime Illusion Cast Frequency
For every +5% Cooldown Recovery Speed or 2.5% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed, (+5/+7/+9/+11/+13)% Spacetime Illusion Cast Frequency

Make it Quick
Require lv 60(20/23/26/29/33)% of the bonuses and additional bonuses for Cast Speed is also applied to additional

Eeeendless Mana
Require lv 60Seals 35% Max Mana. Spacetime Illusion no longer has Cast Frequency limitations
(+1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6)% additionalSpacetime Illusion Damage for every +4% Spacetime Illusion Cast Frequency
(+1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6)% additional

I'm an Illusion
Require lv 75Unable to cast the Main Skill
+1Spacetime Illusion upper limit
(+5/+8/+11/+14/+17)% additionalSpacetime Illusion Damage
(+5/+8/+11/+14/+17)% additional

I'm Out of Mana
Require lv 75Casting of Spacetime Illusion will consume your Mana, equal to the Mana Cost of your Main Skill
(+5/6.3/7.5/8.8/+10)% additionalSpacetime Illusion Damage for each time Spacetime Illusion consumed Mana recently. Stacks up to 10 time(s)
(+5/6.3/7.5/8.8/+10)% additional
Spacetime Elapse - Hero Trait /8
Spacetime Witness|Youga
Youga can cast the Twisted Spacetime to enemy units to deal DoT Damage to them. After moving the Twisted Spacetime, he can cast Turbulence on enemies within it, speeding up and increasing the DoT Damage.
Youga can cast the Twisted Spacetime to enemy units to deal DoT Damage to them. After moving the Twisted Spacetime, he can cast Turbulence on enemies within it, speeding up and increasing the DoT Damage.

Spacetime Elapse
Require lv 1Clicking the Trait Skill or dealing DoT Damage to an enemy casts Twisted Spacetime . Interval: 4 s. Lasts for 6 s
WhileTwisted Spacetime is active, cast Twisted Spacetime again to move it and extend its Duration by 4
Records 40% of the DoT Damage you deal to enemies duringTwisted Spacetime
After moving,Twisted Spacetime inflicts Turbulence on enemies within, having them share the damage it records equally and clearing the records
Records 40% of the DoT Damage you deal to enemies during
After moving,

Spacetime Speed-up
Require lv 45Reduces the casting interval of Twisted Spacetime by 1 s on defeat
For every 1 sTwisted Spacetime lasts, (+5/6.5/+8/9.5/+11)% recorded DoT Damage for Twisted Spacetime . Stacks up to 10 time(s)
For every 1 s

Spacetime Cutting
Require lv 60For every 1% DoT Damage dealt to enemies recorded byTwisted Spacetime , adds (0.4/0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6)% of the Reaping and Reap Purification damage dealt to enemies to Twisted Spacetime 's recorded damage

Spacetime Pause
Require lv 75(-40/-43/-46/-49/-50)% additional Spacetime Turbulence Duration
(+125/+160/+195/+230/+265)% recorded DoT Damage forTwisted Spacetime
(+125/+160/+195/+230/+265)% recorded DoT Damage for

Spacetime Curse
Require lv 75(120/150/180/210/250)% of the increase/decrease on Curse Effect is also applied to the recorded DoT Damage of Twisted Spacetime
Outfit /2

Firestorm Enforcer
[Advanced Hero Apparel - Spacetime Witness]
In seek of the truth within hellfire, they fell into lava and drank the flames.
[Advanced Hero Apparel - Spacetime Witness]
In seek of the truth within hellfire, they fell into lava and drank the flames.

Snow Owl
[Hero Apparel - Spacetime Witness]
The master-less night owl covered in snow took the last bullet of the enemy.
[Hero Apparel - Spacetime Witness]
The master-less night owl covered in snow took the last bullet of the enemy.