Critical Strike
There is a chance to deal a Critical Strike when dealing Hit Damage.
There is a chance to deal a Critical Strike when dealing damage. If a skill can deal damage more than once (such as Spiral Strike), the Critical Strike determination is usually only carried out once.
Critical Strike Rating
When attacking, the base Critical Strike Rating of the weapon will be factored in when calculating the Critical Strike Rating of the skill. When casting a spell, the base Critical Strike Rating of the spell will be factored in when calculating the Critical Strike Rating of the skill.
Final Critical Strike Rating = The sum of Base Critical Strike Rating x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
Critical Hit Chance = Final Critical Strike Rating/100.
Critical Strike Damage
All units have 150% Critical Strike Damage by default.
When dealing a Critical Strike, the damage dealt by the hit becomes: The original damage x the Critical Strike Damage percentage.