Heavy Soul

Legendary Aptitude ★★★★
1860 Armor
25% Attack Block
+12% Attack Damage

(-25–-20)% chance to avoid damage, when there are common enemies Nearby
(-25–-20)% additional damage taken when an Elite is Nearby
-20% additional Movement Speed
-20% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
-20% additional Attack and Cast Speed for Mobility Skills

"Let my heavy soul sink to the bottom of the river of desire."
-30% chance to avoid damage, when there are common enemies Nearby
-30% additional damage taken when an Elite is Nearby
-10% additional Movement Speed
-10% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
-10% additional Attack and Cast Speed for Mobility Skills
  • Base: Vindicator's Tower Shield
  • id: 112507
  • drop level: 58

  • Tip