Within 6m
Legendary Gear /13
Siren Faceguard
Require lv 4
Nearby enemies within 10m are cursed by Lv. (10–15) Biting Cold
Require lv 4
Adds (20–24) - (28–32) Cold Damage to Spells
Immune to Frostbite
Scorching Wave
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
+(40–60)% Ignite damage
+(40–60)% chance toIgnite targets
+(40–60)% chance to
Adds (32–37) - (41–45) Fire Damage to the gear
Adds (40–50)% of Fire Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Ignite Damage
50% chance to spread Ignite to Nearby enemies upon inflicting Ignite
Desire of Survival
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
+(5–10) Strength
+(10–15)% Max Life
+(9–11)% Movement Speed at Full Life
Regenerates 0.5% of Life per second while moving
Restores 65% of Max Life and knocks back Nearby enemies when at Low Life . Interval: 20 s
Mountain Howling
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(120–150)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (26–29) - (32–36) Physical Damage to the gear
+(25–35)% gear Attack Speed
+50% chance to cause Knockbacks
+20% additional Knockback distance
+(108–120)% additional Attack Damage when no enemies are Nearby
-30% Movement Speed
Legendary Soldier Spectacles
Require lv 58
Nearby Elites have Giantism
-50% additional damage againstDistant enemies
Require lv 58
Creates an Arena after using a Mobility Skill. Interval: 1 s
-50% additional damage against
Every 4 s, gain 1 stack of Renown if there is an enemy with Notoriety Nearby . Renown lasts for 30 s
Ignore enemy Armor when you have at least 4 stack(s) of Renown
+(80–100) Max Life
Opening Heart
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+2592 gear Evasion
+220 Max Life
+60% Critical Strike Damage
Have Fervor
+10% additional Damage dealt by Nearby enemies
Hanging Two-Tone Mask
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(25–30)% additional Ranged Damage taken by nearby enemies
+(25–30)% additional Melee Damage againstdistant enemies
+(25–30)% additional Melee Damage against
+20% chance to avoid damage when there are no enemies nearby
+40%Injury Buffer when there are only 1 enemies nearby
Mind Infusion
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(132–154) Max Life
+(1–2) Minion Skill Level
+(30–35)% Movement Speed for Nearby allies and you
+(80–100)% Skill Cost
When casting an Empower Skill, triggers Lv. (10–20) Dark Gate . Cooldown: 6s.
Heavy Soul
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(3456–4032) Gear Armor
+198 Max Life
+(10–14)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
-20% Movement Speed
-10% additional damage taken when an Elite is Nearby
+10% chance to avoid damage, when there are common enemies Nearby
The Coward's Counterfire
Require lv 58
Corroded Heart Paralyze enemies Nearby when Blocking
Require lv 58
+(30–45) Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+(4–5)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
+20% Block Ratio
Traceless Pain
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(30–60)% DoT Damage
+(5–10)% Skill Effect Duration
Reaps 0.25 s of the DoT Damage against Nearby enemy with full Affliction. The effect has a (1–3) s cooldown against the same target
+(5–6)% Fire and Cold Resistance
Necklace of Firebird
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
(-25–-5)% Elemental Resistance
When you have a Barrier , triggers Barrier Burst upon taking damage, dealing Spell Fire Damage equal to 20% of Max Energy Shield to nearby enemies. Cooldown: (0.25–0.5) s
+(10–20)% Elemental Damage per enemy Nearby
Mother Goddess' Paddock
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(30–40)% Defense
Max Terra Quantity bonus is set to 0
When consuming Terra Charge while it is not at max stacks, for every 1 Terra Charge consumed, +(10–15)% additional Affliction Effect.
(50–100)% chance to gain 1 charge stacks when using a Terra Skill
Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage from Nearby enemies 1 s after consuming max stacks of Terra Charge. Cooldown: 3 s