Ralph's Ambition

31 - 31 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

Adds (15–17) - (23–25) Physical Damage to the gear
+(10–15)% gear Attack Speed
Have Fervor
+(3–4)% Projectile Damage for every point of Fervor Rating

"May you conquer everything in your path as it does!"
31 - 31 Physical Damage
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5 Attack Speed

Adds (15–17) - (23–25) Physical Damage to the gear
+(10–15)% gear Attack Speed
Have Fervor
+(3–4)% Projectile Damage for every point of Fervor Rating

"May you conquer everything in your path as it does!"
Adds (35–38) - (42–45) Physical Damage to the gear
+(17–22)% gear Attack Speed
Have Fervor
+(45–50)% Fervor effect
+(5–6)% Projectile Damage for every point of Fervor Rating
  • Base: Beastfang Light Crossbow
  • id: 111305
  • drop level: 12

  • Tip