Item /12

Legendary Gear /23
Elemental Whisper Belt
Require lv 10
Require lv 10
Adds (4–6) - (14–16) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (14–16) - (4–6) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds (1–3) - (25–30) Lightning Damage to Spells
Regenerates (5–7) Mana per second
Desire of Survival
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
+(5–10) Strength
+(10–15)% Max Life
+(9–11)% Movement Speed at Full Life
Regenerates 0.5% of Life per second while moving
Restores 65% of Max Life and knocks back Nearby enemies when at Low Life . Interval: 20 s
Steel's Lament
Require lv 20
Require lv 20
+(165–176) Max Life
(-8–-6)% additional damage taken
Warcry Skills are supported by Lv. (10–15) Gladiator's Roar.
+12% Warcry Cooldown Recovery Speed
+(80–100)% Warcry Area
Cry of Divinity
Require lv 32
Require lv 32
Regenerates 1% Life per second
+30% Minion Damage
Gains 8 Command every second for 3 s when Minions land a Critical Strike
Call of Souls
Require lv 32
Require lv 32
Regenerates 1% Life per second
+30% Minion Damage
Gains 5 Growth for 25s when Minions land a Critical Strike, up to 50.
Witchdoctor's Herb Bag
Require lv 38
Require lv 38
+(30–50) Max Life
+(15–20) Max Mana
Restoration Skills: +(60–80)% restoration effect
Restoration Skills: +(60–80)% Restoration Duration
Eternal Sun
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(330–550) Max Life
+(41–65)% Fire Resistance
Regenerates 0.2% Life per second and 0.4% Life Regeneration Speed for every 1% of Life lost
+20% additional damage taken while Energy Shield is active
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
Adds (1–4) - (75–100) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(5–10)% Lightning Resistance
+(1000–3000) Evasion while a Defensive Skill Effect is active
Spell Damage will not further reduce Evasion by default while a Defensive Skill Effect is active.
Strayed Healer's Waistguard
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(10–12)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(16–20) all stats
+(10–16)% Erosion Resistance
+(50–150)% Wilt Damage if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently
+(8–20)% chance to inflict an additional stack of Wilt if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently
Damage dealt is guaranteed to inflict Wilt while a restoration effect is active
Confusion Elemental Belt
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(6–8)% all stats
+(20–30)% Ailment Damage
When Strength is greater than Dexterity, adds 17% of the skill's damage to Base Trauma Damage.
When Intelligence is greater than Strength, adds 10% of the skill's damage to Base Wilt Damage.
When Dexterity is greater than Intelligence, adds 12% of the skill's damage to Base Ignite Damage.
Pale Mist's Embrace
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+44 Max Life
+(8–10)% Elemental Resistance
+(20–30)% Skill Area
25% of the increase/decrease on Skill Area is also applied to Area Damage, up to + 100%
Winter of Origin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(15–20)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
+(8–16)% Cold Resistance
+(8–12)% Max Life
+(10–15)% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed when you have no less than (3–5) stacks of Focus Blessing
+(80–90)% additional Minion Damage when having at least (9–10) stack(s) of Focus Blessing
Compensatory Life
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(10–15)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(70–90)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(2–6)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 300%
+2% Mana Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 200%
You have a Lv. (25–30) Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life
Everburn Thunderfire
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(18–25) Strength and Dexterity
+(40–80)% chance to Ignite targets
+(40–80)% Numbed chance
+1 Ignite limit for Numbed enemies
Lightning Damage has Luck effect against Ignited enemies
Light Hunter Belt
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(350–400) Max Energy Shield
Converts 40% Life to Energy Shield
Energy Shield charge cannot be interrupted
-6% additional Energy Shield Charge Speed for every 5% Energy Shield currently owned
+(12–16)% Erosion Resistance
Embrace of the Dark Surge
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(100–300) Max Life
+(12–16)% Fire Resistance
+(12–16)% Lightning Resistance
Converts 1% of Physical Damage taken to Fire Damage for every time you inflict Ignite recently, up to (5–20)%
Converts 1% of Physical Damage taken to Lightning Damage for every time you inflict Numbed recently, up to (5–20)%
Polygonal Enclosure
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(15–25)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+(6–10)% Fire and Cold Resistance
+1 Beams
(-20–20)% additional Beam Length
Corrosion of Manifolds
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(20–25) all stats
Gains 1 stacks of Tenacity Blessing when taking Erosion Damage
+50% Erosion Resistance when having at least 8 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing
Restores 20% of Max Life and Mana per 4 s when Tenacity Blessing is active
Eternal Sea Fog
Require lv 58
Blur gains an additional effect: +0.3% Movement Speed for every point of Blur Rating
Require lv 58
+(5–15)% Defense
+(5–6)% Elemental Resistance
(-20–20)% Blur Effect
+10% Movement Speed for 1 s when Blur is lost
+50% chance to gain Blur when evading
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
(-3–-2) Main Skill Level
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
Formation Breaker
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
(-40–20)% additional Attack and Cast Speed for Sentry Skills
+48% Skill Area
+30% additional damage taken by enemies in proximity to Sentries
Gains Demolisher Charge when using Sentry Skills
Rat Herder's Golden Rein
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
(-20–-15)% additional damage taken while channeling
+20% Minion Spell Burst Charge Speed for each time Channeled Skill is used recently, up to 400%.
Minions' Spell Burst Upper Limit +2 every time a Summon Skill is cast recently, up to +4
-15% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
Require lv 66
Require lv 66
+(160–220) Max Life
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Morale on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Nightmare on defeat
+(10–20)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Shadow on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Guard upon defeating Magic monsters
+(10–20)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Simulacra upon defeating Magic monsters
+50% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Reign upon defeating an Elite
Legendary Gear Corroded /23
Elemental Whisper Belt
Require lv 10
Require lv 10
Adds (24–28) - (32–35) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (24–28) - (32–35) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds (2–4) - (50–60) Lightning Damage to Spells
Regenerates (8–10) Mana per second
Desire of Survival
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
+(12–15) Strength
+(20–25)% Max Life
+(12–15)% Movement Speed at Full Life
Regenerates 1% of Life per second while moving
Restores 65% of Max Life and knocks back Nearby enemies when at Low Life . Interval: 16 s
Steel's Lament
Require lv 20
Require lv 20
+(265–276) Max Life
(-12–-10)% additional damage taken
Warcry Skills are supported by Lv. (16–20) Gladiator's Roar.
+(24–29)% Warcry Cooldown Recovery Speed
+(120–180)% Warcry Area
Cry of Divinity
Require lv 32
Require lv 32
Regenerates 2% Life per second
+60% Minion Damage
Gains 12 Command every second for 4 s when Minions land a Critical Strike
Call of Souls
Require lv 32
Require lv 32
Regenerates 2% Life per second
+60% Minion Damage
Gains 5 Growth for 25s when Minions land a Critical Strike, up to (55–70).
Witchdoctor's Herb Bag
Require lv 38
Require lv 38
+(160–180) Max Life
+(20–30) Max Mana
Restoration Skills: +(90–120)% restoration effect
Restoration Skills: +(90–120)% Restoration Duration
Eternal Sun
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(572–748) Max Life
+(68–89)% Fire Resistance
Regenerates 0.2% Life per second and 0.4% Life Regeneration Speed for every 0.8% of Life lost
+10% additional damage taken while Energy Shield is active
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
Adds (3–7) - (120–150) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(25–35)% Lightning Resistance
+(1500–4000) Evasion while a Defensive Skill Effect is active
Spell Damage will not further reduce Evasion by default while a Defensive Skill Effect is active.
+(10–20)% additional Evasion on Spell Damage
+(10–20)% additional Evasion on Spell Damage
Strayed Healer's Waistguard
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(13–18)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(24–30) all stats
+(20–30)% Erosion Resistance
+(10–25)% additional Wilt Damage if you haven't used any Restoration Skills recently
+(15–40)% chance to inflict an additional stack of Wilt if you haven't used any Restoration Skills recently
+20% Cooldown Recovery Speed for Restoration Skills
Confusion Elemental Belt
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(9–12)% all stats
+(40–45)% Ailment Damage
When Strength is greater than Dexterity, adds 22% of the skill's damage to Base Trauma Damage.
When Intelligence is greater than Strength, adds 13% of the skill's damage to Base Wilt Damage.
When Dexterity is greater than Intelligence, adds 16% of the skill's damage to Base Ignite Damage.
Pale Mist's Embrace
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+154 Max Life
+(18–20)% Elemental Resistance
+(30–40)% Skill Area
25% of the increase/decrease on Skill Area is also applied to Area Damage, up to + 125%
Winter of Origin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(25–30)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
+(20–24)% Cold Resistance
+(16–24)% Max Life
+(16–20)% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed when you have no less than (3–5) stacks of Focus Blessing
+(130–150)% additional Minion Damage when having at least (8–12) stack(s) of Focus Blessing
Compensatory Life
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(20–25)% Max Life and Max Mana
+(110–130)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(5–10)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 640%
+2% Mana Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 250%
You have a Lv. (35–40) Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life
Everburn Thunderfire
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(40–45) Strength and Dexterity
+(60–100)% chance to Ignite targets
+(60–100)% Numbed chance
+(30–50)% Numbed Effect
+(20–30)% Ignite Duration
Light Hunter Belt
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(450–600) Max Energy Shield
Converts 50% Life to Energy Shield
(-25–-50)% additional Energy Shield Charge Interval
Energy Shield charge cannot be interrupted
Energy Shield charge cannot be interrupted
-4% additional Energy Shield Charge Speed for every 5% Energy Shield currently owned
+(20–30)% Erosion Resistance
Embrace of the Dark Surge
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(200–500) Max Life
+(18–24)% Fire Resistance
+(20–24)% Lightning Resistance
Converts 1% of Physical Damage taken to Fire Damage for every time you inflict Ignite recently, up to (8–25)%
Converts 1% of Physical Damage taken to Lightning Damage for every time you inflict Numbed recently, up to (8–25)%
Polygonal Enclosure
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(20–35)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+(10–18)% Fire and Cold Resistance
+(1–2) Beams
(-10–30)% additional Beam Length
Corrosion of Manifolds
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(30–35) all stats
Gains 2 stacks of Tenacity Blessing when taking Erosion Damage
+50% Erosion Resistance when having at least (6–7) stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing
Restores 25% of Max Life and Mana per 3 s when Tenacity Blessing is active
Eternal Sea Fog
Require lv 58
Blur gains an additional effect: +0.3% Movement Speed for every point of Blur Rating
Gains 5 points ofBlur Rating for every 5 m of movement
Require lv 58
+(7–20)% Defense
+(7–10)% Elemental Resistance
(-10–30)% Blur Effect
Gains 5 points of
+20% Movement Speed for 1 s when Blur is lost
+100% chance to gain Blur when evading
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
-1 Main Skill Level
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
<Random skill slot-related affix>
Formation Breaker
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
(-30–10)% additional Attack and Cast Speed for Sentry Skills
+72% Skill Area
+45% additional damage taken by enemies in proximity to Sentries
Gains Demolisher Charge when using Sentry Skills
+1 Melee Skill Level
+1 Melee Skill Level
Rat Herder's Golden Rein
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
(-25–-21)% additional damage taken while channeling
+40% Minion Spell Burst Charge Speed for each time Channeled Skill is used recently, up to 400%.
Minions' Spell Burst Upper Limit +(2–3) every time a Summon Skill is cast recently, up to +6
-10% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
Require lv 66
Require lv 66
+(360–440) Max Life
+(30–50)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Morale on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Nightmare on defeat
+(10–20)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Shadow on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Guard upon defeating Magic monsters
+(10–20)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Simulacra upon defeating Magic monsters
+50% chance to gain 2 stacks of Eternal Reign upon defeating an Elite
Base Affix
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
2 | +(54–74) Max Life | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(40–60) Max Mana | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(87–117) Max Energy Shield | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Fire Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Cold Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Lightning Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Erosion Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Strength | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Dexterity | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Intelligence | 1 | 10 |
1 | +(11–15)% Movement Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(50–66)% chance to +1 Barrage Skill Waves when using a Barrage Skill | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–10)% Cooldown Recovery Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–10)% Skill Effect Duration | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(6–8)% | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–11)% Aura Effect | 1 | 5 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Lv | Weight | Library |
1 | +(155–220) Max Life | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(85–120) Max Mana | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(246–350) Max Energy Shield | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(51–72)% damage | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(17–23)% chance for Attacks to inflict | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(51–72)% Minion Damage | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(12–15)% Attack and Spell Block Chance | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Strength | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Dexterity | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Intelligence | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(15–20)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | Barrage Skills +(12–15)% damage increase per wave | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | (-15–-12)% additional damage taken at | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | Max Channeled Stacks +1 | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | Min Channeled Stacks +1 | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(271–385)% Critical Strike Rating against -30% additional Hit Damage | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +1 | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
Tier | Modifier | Lv | Weight | Library |
1 | +(19–27)% Fire Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Cold Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Lightning Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Erosion Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when dealing | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when inflicting | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when inflicting | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(8–12)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(36–50)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | Warcry is cast immediately +1 Max Warcry Skill Charges | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(7–9)% +40% chance to avoid | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | Spirit Magi +(35–48) initial | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(28–36)% | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(18–24)% Skill Effect Duration | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(17–24)% Cooldown Recovery Speed | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(19–26)% chance to deal Double Damage | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(18–24)% | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | When casting a Barrage Skill, +(47–66)% chance that the total waves of the Barrage Skill will +1 | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
1 | +(155–220) Max Life | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(85–120) Max Mana | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(246–350) Max Energy Shield | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(51–72)% damage | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(17–23)% chance for Attacks to inflict | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(51–72)% Minion Damage | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Strength | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Dexterity | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Intelligence | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(15–20)% | 86 | 1 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
1 | +(19–27)% Fire Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Cold Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Lightning Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Erosion Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when dealing | 86 | 1 |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when inflicting | 86 | 1 |
1 | Reaps 0.12 s of DoT Damage when inflicting | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(8–12)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(36–50)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | Warcry is cast immediately +1 Max Warcry Skill Charges | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(7–9)% +40% chance to avoid | 86 | 1 |
1 | Spirit Magi +(35–48) initial | 86 | 1 |
Sweet Dream Affix
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
2 | +(54–74) Max Life | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(40–60) Max Mana | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(87–117) Max Energy Shield | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Fire Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Cold Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Lightning Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Erosion Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Strength | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Dexterity | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Intelligence | 1 | 10 |
1 | +(11–15)% Movement Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(50–66)% chance to +1 Barrage Skill Waves when using a Barrage Skill | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–10)% Cooldown Recovery Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–10)% Skill Effect Duration | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(6–8)% | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(8–11)% Aura Effect | 1 | 5 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Nightmare Affix /0
1. Dream Interpretation generates 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix, which will be added to the base affixes of the selected gear. Sweet Dreams and Nightmares always come together and are inseparable.
2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.
3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.
4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.
2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.
3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.
4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.
Dream Talking /0
After Dream Interpretation, add 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix to the Base affixes.
Deep Dream Interpretation costs Readability and cannot be performed when Readability is 0. If the Dream Talking of a piece of Legendary gear is additionally selected, specified Sweet Dream affixes are guaranteed to appear in the options.
Change will re-randomize all values of Sweet Dreams and Nightmares.
Rewinding will restore a piece of gear to its original state before Dream Interpretation.