Block is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage and Damage Reflection.
When taking a hit or reflecting damage, whether you manage to block successfully depends on the Attack and Spell tags of the damage source, as well as your corresponding Attack and Spell Block Chance. Blocking successfully grants Damage Mitigation based on the Block Ratio and Additional Damage Blocked.
Players have 0%% Block Chance by default. The Block Chance includes the Attack Block Chance and Spell Block Chance. When taking damage, the corresponding tag is applied to determine whether the block is successful or not. The Block Chance from different sources can be stacked up to the maximum Block Chance of 100%%.
Blocking successfully will reduce the corresponding damage taken based on the Block Ratio.
Players' default Block Ratio is 30%%, and the maximum Block Ratio is 60%%.
When the unit also has Additional Damage Blocked, the Block Ratio is calculated before the Additional Damage Blocked.