Evade is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage.
When a hit is evaded, on-hit effects and damage will not be inflicted. Evade Chance is determined by the attacker's Accuracy and the defender's Evasion.
Monsters can't evade hits.
Players have 0 Evasion by default. The lower limit of Evasion is 0.
Evasion increased by 2 for every level gained.
The upper limit of Evade Chance is 75%%.
By default, Evasion will additionally reduce 40%% Spell Damage.
Your Evasion Chance for incoming Hit Damage is calculated using the following formula:
Your Evasion Chance = 1 - 1/[(Enemy Accuracy x 1.15)(Enemy Accuracy + 0.5 x Your Evasion ^ 0.75)]
Enemy Accuracy in the formula increases with the enemy's level, ranging from 130 to 680.