Shadow Dance

+13 gear Energy Shield

+(50–70)% Movement Speed
You suffer 1 stack of Wilt with 30 Base Damage every 0.1s when an Elite is in Proximity

The jester feasted on the ruins of the old empire, unaware that misfortune was almost upon him.
+13 gear Energy Shield

+(50–70)% Movement Speed
Gain 1 stack of Wither with 30 Base Damage every 0.1s when an Elite is in Proximity.

The jester feasted on the ruins of the old empire, unaware that misfortune was almost upon him.
+(80–90)% Movement Speed
You suffer 1 stack of Wilt with 20 Base Damage every 0.1s when an Elite is in Proximity
  • Base: Scribe's Boots
  • id: 112430
  • drop level: 6

  • Tip