An Ailment that deals Physical DoT Damage.
Trauma deals Physical DoT Damage with a default duration of 4s.
When inflicting Trauma on an enemy, deals Physical DoT Damage equal to the Base Trauma Damage to the target every second.
By default, Trauma has the following effect: "+30%% additional Reaping Duration".
The default maximum number of Trauma Damage stacks is 1 stack. When multiple Trauma effects exist concurrently on the same target, only the Trauma effect that deals the most damage will take effect.
The duration of Trauma effects that deal more damage will not be affected by subsequently inflicted Trauma effects that deal less damage.
Talent /6
Minor TalentGod of War
+8% Trauma Damage
+2% Trauma Duration
Legendary Medium TalentGod of War
+20% additional Trauma Damage dealt by Critical Strikes
Minor TalentShadowdancer
+6% chance to inflict Trauma
+10% chance for Minions to inflict Trauma
Medium TalentShadowdancer
+12% chance to inflict Trauma
+15% Trauma Damage
+20% chance for Minions to inflict Trauma
Minor TalentShadowdancer
+9% Trauma Damage
Adds 8 Base Trauma Damage
Legendary Medium TalentShadowdancer
+30% Trauma Reaping Duration
Legendary Gear /5
Dragon Scale Shoes
Require lv 15
+154 Max Life
Regenerates 36 Life per second while moving
+20% Movement Speed
Immune to Trauma
Incorrect Arbitration
Require lv 58
+(1000–2000)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
Inflicts Trauma that deals 200 Damage on yourself on Critical Strike
Praise for Injury
Require lv 58
+(70–90) Strength
+(140–160) Max Life
+80% chance to inflict Trauma
+80% Trauma Damage
Traumatized enemies defeated by you will explode, dealing Secondary Physical Damage equal to (3–5)% of their Max Life to enemies within a 6m radius
Aeterna Martyr
Require lv 58
+50% chance to inflict Trauma
+(75–85) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
(-20–-15)% additional Physical Damage taken
+(94–100)% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed
+(18–20)% additional Trauma Damage for each Critical Strike dealt recently. Stacks up to 3 time(s) (multiplies)
Confusion Elemental Belt
Require lv 58
+(6–8)% all stats
+(20–30)% Ailment Damage
When Strength is greater than Dexterity, adds 17% of the skill's damage to Base Trauma Damage.
When Intelligence is greater than Strength, adds 10% of the skill's damage to Base Wilt Damage.
When Dexterity is greater than Intelligence, adds 12% of the skill's damage to Base Ignite Damage.