Item /18

Legendary Gear /33
Blessing Pendant
Require lv 10
Require lv 10
+29 Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
+25% Max Energy Shield
+96% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating when the Energy Shield is not low.
-20% additional Energy Shield Charge Interval
Pentagram Astrolabe
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
<Random Physical Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Fire Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Cold Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Lightning Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Attack or Spell Erosion Damage>
Require lv 22
Require lv 22
+(209–220) Max Life
+(10–12)% Attack and Cast Speed
+16% Projectile Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+(14–18) all stats
Require lv 30
Require lv 30
When activating Spell Burst,there's -5% additional Skill Area for each time Spell Burst is activated.
Lady's Tears
Require lv 30
Require lv 30
+1 Passive Skill Level
+(20–30)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate .
While Reconjuring , Spirit Magi regenerate (20–30)% Life per second
Spirit Magi are immune to Elemental Damage
Chain of Resistance
Require lv 36
Require lv 36
+(165–176) Max Life
+12% Attack and Cast Speed
+30% Skill Area if you have defeated an enemy recently
+(29–36)% Area Damage if no enemies are defeated recently
Sage's Shackle
Require lv 40
Require lv 40
+25 all stats
+(19–24)% Cooldown Recovery Speed
Cannot restore Life
+(60–80)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(12–14)% Energy Shield Charge Speed
Forlorn Crystal
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(2016–2880) Armor
+3% additional damage per 20000 Armor
+(10–15)% Elemental and Erosion Resistance when Armor is no lower than 100000
-15% Armor Effective Rate for Non-Physical Damage
Vortex Heart
Require lv 58
Focused Strike
Require lv 58
Adds (44–46) - (54–56) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(54–66)% Critical Strike Damage
+(108–132)% Critical Strike Rating
(-32–-40)% Skill Area
Master Defender Pendant
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(70–100) Max Life
+(30–60)% Defense gained from Chest Armor
+(12–16)% Attack Block Chance
+(4–6)% Elemental Resistance
Blocks an additional (40–120) damage
Magnus' Mindflame
Require lv 58
True Flame
Require lv 58
+(88–110) Max Life
+2 Fire Skill Level
+(5–11)% Fire Resistance
+(6–7)% Fire Penetration
Warden's Breastpin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(1–2) Passive Skill Level
+(90–108)% Minion Max Life
+(101–144)% Minion Damage
Your Minions can only deal Physical Damage
(50–75)% of Critical Strike Rating and Critical Strike Damage are also applied to Minions
Ocean of Rock
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(132–176) Max Life
+(210–280) Max Energy Shield
Adds (10–15)% of Max Life to Energy Shield
Necklace of Firebird
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
(-25–-5)% Elemental Resistance
When you have a Barrier , triggers Barrier Burst upon taking damage, dealing Spell Fire Damage equal to 20% of Max Energy Shield to nearby enemies. Cooldown: (0.25–0.5) s
+(10–20)% Elemental Damage per enemy Nearby
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(100–200) Max Mana
For every (10–20)% Life Sealed when at Full Mana , Main Skill's level +1
<Random Aura affix>
+60% Mana Regeneration Speed
Illusory Ocean Silk - Iron Rain
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (49–54) - (62–68) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells
-16% Life Regeneration Speed
+10% additional Armor
Triggers Lv. (10–19) Vulnerability Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts (30–50)% of Erosion Damage taken to Physical Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Ash
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (54–57) - (63–67) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
-20% Fire Resistance
Max Tenacity Blessing Stacks +1
Triggers Lv. (10–19) Scorch Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts (30–50)% of Erosion Damage taken to Fire Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Thunder
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (6–9) - (71–74) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
-20% Lightning Resistance
Max Agility Blessing Stacks +1
Trigger Lv. (10–19) Electrocute Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts (30–50)% of Erosion Damage taken to Lightning Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Chilly
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (56–58) - (62–64) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
-20% Cold Resistance
Max Focus Blessing Stacks +1
Triggers Lv. (10–19) Biting Cold Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts (30–50)% of Erosion Damage taken to Cold Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Unreal
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(8–12)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (57–59) - (61–63) Erosion Damage to Attacks and Spells
+10% additional Regain Interval
+10% additional Evasion
Trigger Lv. (10–19) Corruption Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
+(3–5)% Max Erosion Resistance
Broken Sun Ring
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(220–264) Max Life
+(1–3)% Steep Strike chance.
-30% additional Sweep Slash Damage; +(100–115)% additional Steep Strike Damage
+(25–30)% Fire Resistance
Mother Goddess' Paddock
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(30–40)% Defense
Max Terra Quantity bonus is set to 0
When consuming Terra Charge while it is not at max stacks, for every 1 Terra Charge consumed, +(10–15)% additional Affliction Effect.
(50–100)% chance to gain 1 charge stacks when using a Terra Skill
Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage from Nearby enemies 1 s after consuming max stacks of Terra Charge. Cooldown: 3 s
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(88–132) Max Life
+(15–21)% additional damage when Unarmed
+(144–202) Critical Strike Rating when Unarmed
+(19–38)% chance to Multistrike
Chain behind the Curtain
Require lv 58
Blur gains an additional effect: +1 Affliction inflicted per second for every 5 points of Blur Rating
Require lv 58
+(6–20)% Max Energy Shield
+(10–15) Dexterity and Intelligence
+(12–30)% Erosion Resistance
Gains (5–10) points of Blur Rating for every 3 m of movement
False God's Skin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(6–10)% all stats
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
Rat King's Megagon Dice
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(65–75)% Critical Strike Damage
+(6–30)% additional max damage
(-30–-6)% additional min damage
Randomly triggers one of the following effects every 5 s for 5 s
Lucky Critical Strike
Unlucky Damage
Lucky Damage
Unlucky Critical Strike
Guttural of the Drowned
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(10–20)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
After suffering a Severe Injury , +(10–20)% additional damage for (5–10) s
Restores (10–20)% of Missing Life and Energy Shield when suffering a Severe Injury
Iron Nest
Require lv 58
Command decreases every second instead of increasing every second
Loses Command instead of gaining it when usingDark Gate
Require lv 58
Loses Command instead of gaining it when using
Synthetic Troop Minions are unable to move
+200% Synthetic Troop Minion Duration
+200% Synthetic Troop Minion Duration
When Command is lower than -20 , for every -1 Command, -2% Aura Area and +1% Aura Effect
+5 to Synthetic Troop Minions' stack(s) of Horizontal ProjectileJumps
+5 to Synthetic Troop Minions' stack(s) of Horizontal Projectile
When Command is lower than -40 , Nearby Synthetic Troop Minions deal +25% additional Projectile Damage to enemies in Proximity , and this damage reduces with the distance traveled by the Projectiles
Minions' Horizontal Projectiles cannot Penetrate
Minions' Horizontal Projectiles cannot Penetrate
When Command is lower than -60 , +30% to the physique of Nearby Synthetic Troop Minions
+100% Multistrike chance for Nearby Synthetic Troops, and Multistrikes' damage increment +25%
+100% Multistrike chance for Nearby Synthetic Troops, and Multistrikes' damage increment +25%
+20% Movement Speed
+20% Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
+20% Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
Howling Wind
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
Eliminate enemies under 10% Life on hit
+(150–180)% Ranged Attack Critical Strike Rating
Mourner's Shadow
Require lv 58
Shadow Quantity +1
Require lv 58
+(220–264) Max Life
+(100–115)% additional Shadow Damage
+(25–30)% Lightning Resistance
Furious Man's Loud Song
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(220–264) Max Life
+(20–30)% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed
+(130–150)% additional damage for this skill when Demolisher Charge is consumed
+(25–30)% Cold Resistance
Require lv 70
Require lv 70
Gains 100 Order when having no more than 0 Order
Gains an Order Effect equal to +(25–30)% of current Order when Order is higher than Chaos
Gains a Chaos Effect equal to +(25–30)% of current Chaos when Chaos is higher than Order
-10% Elemental and Erosion Resistances when Order is higher than Chaos
Gains one of the following effects when Order is lower than Chaos: -10% additional Armor/ -10% additional Energy Shield/ -10% additional Evasion. Lasts for 5s.
Loses 9 Order every second
Legendary Gear Corroded /33
Blessing Pendant
Require lv 10
Require lv 10
+48 Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
+(500–700) Max Energy Shield
+156% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating when the Energy Shield is not low.
-30% additional Energy Shield Charge Interval
Pentagram Astrolabe
Require lv 12
Require lv 12
<Random Physical Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Fire Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Cold Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Lightning Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Attack or Spell Erosion Damage>
Require lv 22
Require lv 22
+(309–320) Max Life
+(19–22)% Attack and Cast Speed
+24% Projectile Speed
+30% Movement Speed
+(33–35) all stats
Require lv 30
+(10–20)%Spell Burst Charge Speed
Require lv 30
When activating Spell Burst,there's (5–10)% additional Skill Area for each time Spell Burst is activated.
Lady's Tears
Require lv 30
Require lv 30
+1 Passive Skill Level
+(4–6)% additional Spirit MagusUltimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate .
+(4–6)% additional Spirit Magus
+(31–40)% additional Spirit Magus Ultimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate .
While Reconjuring , Spirit Magi regenerate (31–40)% Life per second
Spirit Magi are immune to Elemental Damage
+(4–6)% additional Spirit MagusUltimate Damage and Ailment Damage dealt by Ultimate .
+(4–6)% additional Spirit Magus
Chain of Resistance
Require lv 36
Require lv 36
+(265–276) Max Life
+24% Attack and Cast Speed
+50% Skill Area if you have defeated an enemy recently
+(72–86)% Area Damage if no enemies are defeated recently
Sage's Shackle
Require lv 40
Require lv 40
+45 all stats
+(31–36)% Cooldown Recovery Speed
+20% additional Regain Interval
+(90–120)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(24–29)% Energy Shield Charge Speed
Forlorn Crystal
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(2621–3744) Armor
+3% additional damage per 12000 Armor
+(16–20)% Elemental and Erosion Resistance when Armor is no lower than 80000
-10% Armor Effective Rate for Non-Physical Damage
Vortex Heart
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
Adds (64–68) - (74–78) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(114–126)% Critical Strike Damage
+(228–252)% Critical Strike Rating
(-40–10)% Skill Area
Master Defender Pendant
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(220–250) Max Life
+(40–80)% Defense gained from Chest Armor
+(10–12)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
+(8–10)% Elemental Resistance
Blocks additional damage equal to 1% of Max Life
Magnus' Mindflame
Require lv 58
True Flame
+100% Skill Area
Require lv 58
+(350–400) Max Life
+3 Fire Skill Level
+(19–22)% Fire Resistance
+(18–19)% Fire Penetration
+100% Skill Area
Warden's Breastpin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(3–4) Passive Skill Level
+(108–135)% Minion Max Life
+(144–180)% Minion Damage
Your Minions cannot deal Physical Damage
(75–100)% of Critical Strike Rating and Critical Strike Damage are also applied to Minions
Ocean of Rock
Require lv 58
(-20–-10)% additional Regain Interval
Require lv 58
+(242–286) Max Life
+(385–455) Max Energy Shield
(-20–-10)% additional Regain Interval
Adds (16–20)% of Max Life to Energy Shield
Necklace of Firebird
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(14–16)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
(-20–5)% Elemental Resistance
When you have a Barrier , triggers Barrier Burst upon taking damage, dealing Spell Fire Damage equal to 20% of Max Energy Shield to nearby enemies. Cooldown: (0.15–0.4) s
+(15–30)% Elemental Damage per enemy Nearby
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(120–250) Max Mana
For every (8–15)% Life Sealed when at Full Mana , Main Skill's level +1
<Random Aura affix>
+90% Mana Regeneration Speed
Illusory Ocean Silk - Iron Rain
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(5–8)% additional Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (81–84) - (92–96) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells
+20% Life Regeneration Speed
+(7000–8000) Armor
Triggers Lv. (21–30) Vulnerability Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts 75% of Erosion Damage taken to Physical Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Ash
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(5–8)% additional Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (82–86) - (94–98) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
+8% Fire Resistance
Triggers Lv. (20–30) Scorch Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts 75% of Erosion Damage taken to Fire Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Thunder
Require lv 58
Flash of Brilliance
Require lv 58
+(5–8)% additional Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (9–13) - (107–111) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
+8% Lightning Resistance
Trigger Lv. (20–30) Electrocute Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts 75% of Erosion Damage taken to Lightning Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Chilly
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(5–8)% additional Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (86–88) - (92–94) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
+8% Cold Resistance
Triggers Lv. (20–30) Biting Cold Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
Converts 75% of Erosion Damage taken to Cold Damage
Illusory Ocean Silk - Unreal
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(5–8)% additional Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
Adds (87–89) - (91–93) Erosion Damage to Attacks and Spells
-10% additional Regain Interval
+(7000–8000) Evasion
Trigger Lv. (20–30) Corruption Curse on hit. Cooldown: 1 s.
+(6–7)% Max Erosion Resistance , +20% Erosion Resistance
Broken Sun Ring
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(264–330) Max Life
+(30–40)% additional Steep Strike Damage
-15% additional Sweep Slash Damage; +(140–160)% additional Steep Strike Damage
+(38–44)% Fire Resistance
Mother Goddess' Paddock
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(40–50)% Defense
Max Terra Quantity bonus is set to 1
When consuming Terra Charge while it is not at max stacks, for every 1 Terra Charge consumed, +(18–24)% additional Affliction Effect.
(50–100)% chance to gain 2 stacks of Terra Charge when Terra Charge is consumed
Reaps 1.5 s of DoT Damage from Nearby enemies 0.5 s after consuming max stacks of Terra Charge. Cooldown: 1.5 s
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(286–352) Max Life
+(27–33)% additional damage when Unarmed
+(240–288) Critical Strike Rating when Unarmed
+(48–58)% chance to Multistrike
Chain behind the Curtain
Require lv 58
Blur gains an additional effect: +1 Affliction inflicted per second for every 5 points of Blur Rating
+25%Blur Effect
Require lv 58
+(8–25)% Max Energy Shield
+(20–30) Dexterity and Intelligence
+(20–40)% Erosion Resistance
Gains (5–10) points of Blur Rating for every 2 m of movement
False God's Skin
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(12–15)% all stats
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
<Random stat buff affix>
Rat King's Megagon Dice
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(105–155)% Critical Strike Damage
+(10–40)% additional max damage
(-20–-1)% additional min damage
Randomly triggers one of the following effects every 3 s for 3 s
Lucky Critical Strike
Unlucky Damage
Lucky Damage
Unlucky Critical Strike
Guttural of the Drowned
Require lv 58
+1 Max Charges
Require lv 58
+(21–30)% Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+1 Max Charges
After suffering a Severe Injury , +(15–25)% additional damage for (5–10) s
Restores (15–25)% of Missing Life and Energy Shield when suffering a Severe Injury
Iron Nest
Require lv 58
Command decreases every second instead of increasing every second
Loses Command instead of gaining it when usingDark Gate
+(15–20)% Empower Skill Effect
Require lv 58
Loses Command instead of gaining it when using
+(15–20)% Empower Skill Effect
Synthetic Troop Minions are unable to move
+300% Synthetic Troop Minion Duration
+300% Synthetic Troop Minion Duration
When Command is lower than -20 , for every -1 Command, -1% Aura Area and 1.5% Aura Effect
+5 to Synthetic Troop Minions' stack(s) of Horizontal ProjectileJumps
+5 to Synthetic Troop Minions' stack(s) of Horizontal Projectile
When Command is lower than -40 , Nearby Synthetic Troop Minions deal +(35–45)% additional Projectile Damage to enemies in Proximity , and this damage reduces with the distance traveled by the Projectiles
Minions' Horizontal Projectiles cannot Penetrate
Minions' Horizontal Projectiles cannot Penetrate
When Command is lower than -60 , +30% to the physique of Nearby Synthetic Troop Minions
+150% Multistrike chance for Nearby Synthetic Troops, and Multistrikes' damage increment +40%
+150% Multistrike chance for Nearby Synthetic Troops, and Multistrikes' damage increment +40%
+30% Movement Speed
+30% Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
+30% Cooldown Recovery Speed for Mobility Skills
Howling Wind
Require lv 58
+30% Projectile Speed
Require lv 58
Eliminate enemies under 15% Life on hit
+30% Projectile Speed
+(220–270)% Ranged Attack Critical Strike Rating
Mourner's Shadow
Require lv 58
Shadow Quantity +1
+(20–30)%Shadows Tracking Area
Require lv 58
+(264–330) Max Life
+(140–160)% additional Shadow Damage
+(38–44)% Lightning Resistance
Furious Man's Loud Song
Require lv 58
Require lv 58
+(264–330) Max Life
+(30–40)% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed
+(185–210)% additional damage for this skill when Demolisher Charge is consumed
+(38–44)% Cold Resistance
Require lv 70
Require lv 70
Gains 60 Order when having no more than 20 Order
Gains an Order Effect equal to +(33–40)% of current Order when Order is higher than Chaos
Gains a Chaos Effect equal to +(33–40)% of current Chaos when Chaos is higher than Order
-6% Elemental and Erosion Resistances when Order is higher than Chaos
Gains one of the following effects when Order is lower than Chaos: -6% additional Armor/ -6% additional Energy Shield/ -6% additional Evasion. Lasts for 5s.
Loses (8–10) Order every second
Base Affix
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
2 | +(54–74) Max Life | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(87–117) Max Energy Shield | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Fire Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Cold Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Lightning Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Erosion Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(3–4)% | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Strength | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Dexterity | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Intelligence | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(20–24)% damage +(20–24)% Minion Damage | 1 | 10 |
1 | +(11–15)% Movement Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(2–3)% damage per stack of any Blessing | 1 | 5 |
1 | +1% damage per 27 stats | 1 | 5 |
1 | Adds 10 Base Ailment Damage | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(6–8)% | 1 | 5 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Lv | Weight | Library |
1 | +(155–220) Max Life | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(245–350) Max Energy Shield | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(27–36)% Armor | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(27–36)% Evasion | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(51–72)% damage | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(51–72)% Minion Damage | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Strength | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Dexterity | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(43–60) Intelligence | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | Spirit Magi +(35–48) initial | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(15–20)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +1 Minion Skill Level | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +1 Max | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +1 Active Skill Level | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | Have | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
Tier | Modifier | Lv | Weight | Library |
1 | +(19–27)% Fire Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Cold Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Lightning Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(19–27)% Erosion Resistance | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(33–45)% Projectile Speed | 86 | 100 | Basic Affix |
1 | +(42–60)% Critical Strike Damage | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(18–24)% Attack and Cast Speed +(18–24)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | 60% chance to gain 1 charge stacks when using a Terra Skill | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(8–10)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(14–18)% Blessing Duration | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(8–10)% | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | 100% chance to gain a | 86 | 100 | Advanced Affix |
1 | +(28–36)% | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(5–6)% damage per stack of any Blessing | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(15–20)% | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +(20–27)% Aura Effect | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
1 | +1% damage per 12 stats | 100 | 100 | Ultimate Affix |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
1 | +(155–220) Max Life | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(245–350) Max Energy Shield | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(27–36)% Armor | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(27–36)% Evasion | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(51–72)% damage | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(51–72)% Minion Damage | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Strength | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Dexterity | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(43–60) Intelligence | 86 | 1 |
1 | Spirit Magi +(35–48) initial | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(15–20)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(22–30)% | 86 | 1 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
1 | +(19–27)% Fire Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Cold Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Lightning Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(19–27)% Erosion Resistance | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(33–45)% Projectile Speed | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(18–24)% Attack and Cast Speed +(18–24)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed | 86 | 1 |
1 | 60% chance to gain 1 charge stacks when using a Terra Skill | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(8–10)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(14–18)% Blessing Duration | 86 | 1 |
1 | +(8–10)% | 86 | 1 |
1 | 100% chance to gain a | 86 | 1 |
Sweet Dream Affix
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
2 | +(54–74) Max Life | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(87–117) Max Energy Shield | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Fire Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Cold Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Lightning Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(5–10)% Erosion Resistance | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(3–4)% | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Strength | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Dexterity | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(15–20) Intelligence | 1 | 10 |
2 | +(20–24)% damage +(20–24)% Minion Damage | 1 | 10 |
1 | +(11–15)% Movement Speed | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(2–3)% damage per stack of any Blessing | 1 | 5 |
1 | +1% damage per 27 stats | 1 | 5 |
1 | Adds 10 Base Ailment Damage | 1 | 5 |
1 | +(6–8)% | 1 | 5 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
0 | Triggers Lv. 20 | 1 | 1 |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Tier | Modifier | Level | Weight |
Nightmare Affix /0
1. Dream Interpretation generates 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix, which will be added to the base affixes of the selected gear. Sweet Dreams and Nightmares always come together and are inseparable.
2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.
3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.
4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.
2. Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.
3. Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Readability.
4. Dream affixes can be granted to gear of all parts, but only 3 pieces of equipped gear can have Dream affixes at any time.
Dream Talking /0
After Dream Interpretation, add 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix to the Base affixes.
Deep Dream Interpretation costs Readability and cannot be performed when Readability is 0. If the Dream Talking of a piece of Legendary gear is additionally selected, specified Sweet Dream affixes are guaranteed to appear in the options.
Change will re-randomize all values of Sweet Dreams and Nightmares.
Rewinding will restore a piece of gear to its original state before Dream Interpretation.