Charge Calling - Hero Trait /9
Hero Emblemx100|Aember / Primocrystx980
Moto commands the Synthetic Troop to dash toward enemies and makes them self-destruct. When in combat, Moto can use Overload to quickly summon Synthetic Troops to increase the explosion efficiency and enhance combat capability.
Charge Calling
Require lv 1

Within 3 s after a Summon Skill is cast, all your Minions will gain Overload. Cooldown: 9 s
Overload grants +30% additional damage

The Effect and Duration of Overload are refreshed when a Minion that already has Overload gains Overload again
Synthetic Troop Minions summoned at a time +1
Surprise Force
Require lv 25
Synthetic Troop Minions will initiate the Self-Destruct Protocol when they lose Overload
After the Self-Destruct Protocol is active, Synthetic Troop Minions will charge at the enemies and self-destruct upon hitting an enemy or being killed
Their Charge Speed is affected by Minion Attack Speed
The self-destruction deals Physical Attack Damage to enemies within the area
Concentrated Fire
Require lv 45
+80% Overload effect
Adds 50% Secondary Physical Damage dealt by Synthetic Troop Minions while Overload is active to the Self-Destruct Damage dealt by the Self-Destruct Protocol
Quick Battle
Require lv 45
+40% additional Overload Cooldown Recovery Speed
Synthetic Troop Minions initiate Self-Destruct Protocol upon gaining Overload
Adds Base Physical Damage equal to 50% of the sum of the Synthetic Troop Minion's Max Life and Energy Shield to the Self-Destruction caused by Self-Destruct Protocol
All Synthetic Troop Minions will gain Overload within 4 s after Overload is applied via a Trait Skill
Require lv 60
Synthetic Troop Minions summoned at a time +1
When a Synthetic Troop Minion initiates Self-Destruct Protocol, 2.5% chance for it to drop 1 Mechanical Part per level of the skill that summoned it. Mechanical Parts last 10s
Player will automatically collect Nearby Mechanical Parts. - 0.5 s Trait Skill cooldown for every Mechanical Part picked up
Team Assault
Require lv 75
Synthetic Troop Minions summoned at a time +1 if you have picked up 2 Mechanical Part(s) recently
Every time the Synthetic Troop Minions hit an enemy recently, the enemy will take additional damage by 2% of the Self-Destruct Damage triggered by the Self-Destruct Protocol. Stacks up to 150 times.
Guerilla Tactics
Require lv 75
Summons 1 Main-Skill-summoned Minion if the Main Skill is a Synthetic Troop Skill when picking up Mechanical Part(s)
For each Mechanical Part collected, the self-destruction triggered by the Self-Destruct Protocol +8% additional damage for 8 s, stacking up to 30 times
For each Mechanical Part collected, the self-destruction triggered by the Self-Destruct Protocol +3% Skill Area for 8 s, stacking up to 30 times
Heroic Sacrifice
Require lv 90
20% chance for Synthetic Troop Minions to drop a Mechanical Part when defeating an enemy or hitting an Elite
+5% Overload effect for every Mechanical Part recently picked up, stacking up to 25 times
For every +1% Overload effect, Self-Destruct, triggered by the Self-Destruct Protocol, deals +1% additional damage
Fuel War with War
Require lv 90
Collecting Mechanical Parts will no longer reduce the Trait Skill cooldown. Mechanical Parts can now be stored. You can store up to 12 Mechanical Parts
When Self-Destruct triggered by the Self-Destruct Protocol deals Double Damage, consumes 2 Mechanical Parts to summon a Synthetic Troop Minion of the same type with Overload, and +3% additional Minion Damage for the next 2 s. The number of Minions summoned by this effect is fixed
Item /2
Overloading Core
Require lv 1
An intelligent core that the commanders use to control the mechanical troops, which can overload the troops to launch suicide attacks when necessary.
Excess Capacity
Require lv 1
The external capacitors the Commander installed on his mechanical units to allow them to be overloaded when necessary.
Legendary Gear /4
Magnus' Scepter
Require lv 1
Consumes 1% of current Life and Energy Shield when hit by the Self-Destruction caused by the Self-Destruct Protocol activated by a Minion
Adds Base Physical Damage equal to 6% of the sum of the Character's Max Life and Energy Shield to the Self-Destruction caused by Self-Destruct Protocol
Dominion of the Iron Pack
Require lv 1
Activates Hero Trait: Heroic Sacrifice
Infinite Overload
Require lv 1
(55–65)% chance to gain 1 point(s) of Command when a Synthetic Troop Minion activates the Self-Destruct Protocol
Dominion of the Iron Pack - Prototype
Require lv 1
Activates Hero Trait: Heroic Sacrifice
(-30–-20)% additional Minion Damage

Hero Relic Affix

1+(35–45)% Minion Max Life79220Charge Calling
2+(27–34)% Minion Max Life72220Charge Calling
3+(21–26)% Minion Max Life1220Charge Calling
1+(170–222) Minion Max Energy Shield79220Charge Calling
2+(130–169) Minion Max Energy Shield72220Charge Calling
3+(100–129) Minion Max Energy Shield1220Charge Calling
1+(64–83) Minion Critical Strike Rating79220Charge Calling
2+(50–63) Minion Critical Strike Rating72220Charge Calling
3+(38–49) Minion Critical Strike Rating1220Charge Calling
1+(93–120)% Minion Critical Strike Rating79220Charge Calling
2+(72–92)% Minion Critical Strike Rating72220Charge Calling
3+(55–71)% Minion Critical Strike Rating1220Charge Calling
1+(11–14)% Aura Effect79220Charge Calling
2+(8–10)% Aura Effect72220Charge Calling
3+(6–7)% Aura Effect1220Charge Calling
1+5% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times8190Charge Calling
2+4% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times0240Charge Calling
3+3% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times71270Charge Calling
1+(14–18)% Critical Strike Rating for Minions for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times8190Charge Calling
2+(11–13)% Critical Strike Rating for Minions for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times78240Charge Calling
3+(9–10)% Critical Strike Rating for Minions for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times71270Charge Calling
1+(24–30)% Overload Duration8190Charge Calling
2+(18–23)% Overload Duration78240Charge Calling
3+(14–17)% Overload Duration71270Charge Calling
1(5–6)% chance for Synthetic Troops with Overload to drop a Mechanical Part when hitting enemies8190Charge Calling
24% chance for Synthetic Troops with Overload to drop a Mechanical Part when hitting enemies78240Charge Calling
33% chance for Synthetic Troops with Overload to drop a Mechanical Part when hitting enemies71270Charge Calling
1+2 Summon Skill Level for every +5% Max Erosion Resistance you have8760Charge Calling
2+2 Summon Skill Level for every +6% Max Erosion Resistance you have81300Charge Calling
3+2 Summon Skill Level for every +8% Max Erosion Resistance you have75390Charge Calling
1Adds 1-2 Physical Damage to Attacks for every (212–242) Max Life of Minion8760Charge Calling
2Adds 1-2 Physical Damage to Attacks for every (243–315) Max Life of Minion81300Charge Calling
3Adds 1-2 Physical Damage to Attacks for every (316–408) Max Life of Minion75390Charge Calling
1+(3–4)% Overload effect for every 20 Command8190Charge Calling
2+(2–2.5)% Overload effect for every 20 Command78240Charge Calling
3+(1–1.5)% Overload effect for every 20 Command71270Charge Calling

Hero Memories Affix

1+(35–45)% Minion Damage82145Charge Calling
2+(27–34)% Minion Damage79182Charge Calling
3+(21–26)% Minion Damage1255Charge Calling
1+(35–45)% Minion Max Life82145Charge Calling
2+(27–34)% Minion Max Life79182Charge Calling
3+(21–26)% Minion Max Life1255Charge Calling
1+(93–120)% Minion Critical Strike Rating82145Charge Calling
2+(72–92)% Minion Critical Strike Rating79182Charge Calling
3+(55–71)% Minion Critical Strike Rating1255Charge Calling
1+(170–222) Minion Max Energy Shield82145Charge Calling
2+(130–169) Minion Max Energy Shield79182Charge Calling
3+(100–129) Minion Max Energy Shield1255Charge Calling
1+(70–90)% Minion Max Energy Shield82145Charge Calling
2+(50–65)% Minion Max Energy Shield79182Charge Calling
3+(21–45)% Minion Max Energy Shield1255Charge Calling
1+(10–12)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed82145Charge Calling
2+(8–9)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed79182Charge Calling
3+(6–7)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed1255Charge Calling
1+(10–12)% Minion Movement Speed82145Charge Calling
2+(8–9)% Minion Movement Speed79182Charge Calling
3+(6–7)% Minion Movement Speed1255Charge Calling
1+(24–30)% Minion Critical Strike Damage82145Charge Calling
2+(18–23)% Minion Critical Strike Damage79182Charge Calling
3+(14–17)% Minion Critical Strike Damage1255Charge Calling
1+(9–10)% additional Self-Destruct Damage triggered by Self-Destruct Protocol8540Charge Calling
2+(7–8)% additional Self-Destruct Damage triggered by Self-Destruct Protocol82160Charge Calling
3+(5–6)% additional Self-Destruct Damage triggered by Self-Destruct Protocol71200Charge Calling
1+7% Minion Damage for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times8540Charge Calling
2+6% Minion Damage for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times82160Charge Calling
3+5% Minion Damage for each Mechanical Part picked up recently. Stacks up to 10 times71200Charge Calling
1+5% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times8540Charge Calling
2+4% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times82160Charge Calling
3+3% Critical Strike Damage for Minions for each Mechanical Part collected recently. Stacks up to 10 times71200Charge Calling
1Adds (22–25)% of the player's Max Life to the Base Life of Minions8540Charge Calling
2Adds (17–21)% of the player's Max Life to the Base Life of Minions82160Charge Calling
3Adds (12–16)% of the player's Max Life to the Base Life of Minions71200Charge Calling
1Adds (15–18)% of the player's Max Energy Shield to the Base Energy Shield of the Minions8540Charge Calling
2Adds (12–14)% of the player's Max Energy Shield to the Base Energy Shield of the Minions82160Charge Calling
3Adds (10–11)% of the player's Max Energy Shield to the Base Energy Shield of the Minions71200Charge Calling
1+(16–20)% Movement Speed82145Charge Calling
2+(12–15)% Movement Speed79182Charge Calling
3+(10–11)% Movement Speed1255Charge Calling
1+ 3 Command per second82145Charge Calling
2+ 2 Command per second79182Charge Calling
3+ 1 Command per second1255Charge Calling
1+(5–6)% chance for Minions to deal Double Damage82145Charge Calling
2+4% chance for Minions to deal Double Damage79182Charge Calling
3+3% chance for Minions to deal Double Damage1255Charge Calling
Skill Shop /283
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