Machine Army

Mana Cost
Cast Speed
0.80000001 s
10 s
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Minion on the field, all Minions 3.5% additional damage and 4% additional Movement Speed, stacking up to 7 time(s). Lasts 6s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 3.5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 6s.
This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s).
Mana Cost
Cast Speed
0.8 s
12 s

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Minion on the field, all Minions 5% additional damage and 4% additional Movement Speed, stacking up to 7 time(s). Lasts 4s.

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 5% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to 7 time(s).
Lasts 4s.

This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s).
Drop Source

Thought Deconstruction

Thought Deconstruction
[Skill Effect] March of Machines
If we can break down and reconstruct his thoughts, will we be able to reproduce that invincible brain?