Ice-Fire Fusion - Hero Trait /9
The forces of fire and ice fuse within Gemma's body, reinforcing each other. When using Cold and Fire Skills, Gemma will gain Fusion Energy, which will increase Cold and Fire Damage and Ignite and Frostbite Chances. At Max Fusion Energy, Gemma can cast Frostfire Rampage to further increase her stats.
Ice-Fire Fusion
Require lv 1

+4 Max Fusion Energy
Gains Fusion Energy when dealing Fire Damage or Cold Damage. Cooldown: 0.3s
Gains Fusion Energy when casting a Fire Skill or Cold Skill
Click the Trait Skill when Fusion Energy is full to use Frostfire Rampage
+15% Fire Damage and Cold Damage for every point of Fusion Energy
+5% chance to inflict Ignite and Frostbite for every point of Fusion Energy
+10% additional Fire Damage and Cold Damage at Max Fusion Energy
Ice-Fire Radiance
Require lv 25
When dealing damage at max Fusion Energy, Fire Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Cold Damage
When dealing damage at max Fusion Energy, Cold Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Fire Damage
Bone-piercing Heat
Require lv 45
If an enemy has taken Cold Damage recently, damage dealt to this enemy ignores Fire Resistance
If an enemy has taken Fire Damage Recently, damage dealt to this enemy ignores Cold Resistance
Ice-Fire Embrace
Require lv 45
+2 Max Fusion Energy
+30% Fusion Energy Effect at Max Fusion Energy
Restless Ice-Fire
Require lv 60
At Max Fusion Energy, always attempts to use Frostfire Rampage automatically
While Frostfire Rampage is active, Fusion Energy does not deplete
+10% additional Fire Damage for 4 s, up to 2 stacks, when casting a Cold Skill while Frostfire Rampage is active
+10% additional Cold Damage for 4 s, up to 2 stacks, when casting a Fire Skill while Frostfire Rampage is active
Glacial Flames
Require lv 75
+3 Max Fusion Energy
Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +3% additional Fire Damage and Cold Damage for every point of Fusion Energy
Frozen Flame
Require lv 75
At Max Fusion Energy, Fire Damage can inflict Frostbite, and Cold Damage can inflict Ignite
At Max Fusion Energy, Fire Damage increases 4 Frostbite Rating on hit
At Max Fusion Energy, Ignite inflicted by a Spell Skill gains 100% of the skill's Cold Damage as Base Ignite Damage.
At Max Fusion Energy, Ignite inflicted by an Attack Skill adds 100% of the weapon's Physical Damage and Cold Damage to the Base Ignite Damage
Extreme Fusion
Require lv 90
Fusion energy is no longer removed at the end of Frostfire Rampage
When dealing damage at Max Fusion Energy, Lightning Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Cold Damage

When dealing damage at Max Fusion Energy, Lightning Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Fire Damage

When dealing damage at Max Fusion Energy, Fire Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Lightning Damage

When dealing damage at Max Fusion Energy, Cold Damage bonuses and additional bonuses are also applied to Lightning Damage

Casting a Lightning Skill grants 1 point of Fusion Energy
Seeping In
Require lv 90
While Frostfire Rampage is active, Cold Penetration is also applied to Fire Resistance

While Frostfire Rampage is active, Fire Penetration is also applied to Cold Resistance

When enemies take Fire Damage, the lowest among Cold Resistance, Fire Resistance, and Lightning Resistance will be treated as their current Fire Resistance

When enemies take Lightning Damage, the lowest among Cold Resistance, Fire Resistance, and Lightning Resistance will be treated as their current Lightning Resistance

When enemies take Cold Damage, the lowest among Cold Resistance, Fire Resistance, and Lightning Resistance will be treated as their current Cold Resistance
Item /2
Masterpiece of the "Doctor"
Require lv 1
The mechanical heart that the "doctor" put on Gemma can merge the souls of Gemma and Zoya.
Elemental Fusion Component
Require lv 1
The additional mechanical components the "doctor" installed for Gemma. It is able to separate and store the excess Ice and Fire Energy inside Gemma to balance the two types of energy.
Legendary Gear /4
Heart of Absolute Fusion
Require lv 1
+1 Max Fusion Energy for every Magic Hero Memory engraved
+(25–30)% Fusion Energy Effect for every Legendary Hero Memory engraved
Two Extremes
Require lv 1
Activates Hero Trait: Frozen Flame
Ice Embraces Fire
Require lv 1
(-22–-18)% additional Fire Damage and Cold Damage taken at Max Fusion Energy
Two Extremes - Prototype
Require lv 1
Activates Hero Trait: Frozen Flame
(-30–-20)% additional damage

Hero Relic Affix

1When Frostfire Rampage is active, +(139–180)% Critical Strike Rating against Frostbitten enemies and +(70–90)% Critical Strike Damage against Ignited enemies8190Ice-Fire Fusion
2When Frostfire Rampage is active, +(107–138)% Critical Strike Rating against Frostbitten enemies and +(54–69)% Critical Strike Damage against Ignited enemies78240Ice-Fire Fusion
3When Frostfire Rampage is active, +(82–106)% Critical Strike Rating against Frostbitten enemies and +(41–53)% Critical Strike Damage against Ignited enemies71270Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(15–20)% Fusion Energy Effect for every engraved Hero Memory8760Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(13–15)% Fusion Energy Effect for every engraved Hero Memory81300Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(9–12)% Fusion Energy Effect for every engraved Hero Memory75390Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(3–4) Max Fusion Energy8760Ice-Fire Fusion
2+2 Max Fusion Energy78300Ice-Fire Fusion
3+1 Max Fusion Energy75390Ice-Fire Fusion
1Gains (36–45)% of the skill's damage as Base Ignite Damage8190Ice-Fire Fusion
2Gains (26–35)% of the skill's damage as Base Ignite Damage78240Ice-Fire Fusion
3Gains (16–25)% of the skill's damage as Base Ignite Damage71270Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(36–40)% additional Fire Damage against enemies on the Frost Terra. The effect is affected by Empower Skill Effect.79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(31–35)% additional Fire Damage against enemies on the Frost Terra. The effect is affected by Empower Skill Effect.72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(26–30)% additional Fire Damage against enemies on the Frost Terra. The effect is affected by Empower Skill Effect.1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (12–16) Frostbite Rating the enemy has
You cannot inflict Freeze
79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (17–21) Frostbite Rating the enemy has
You cannot inflict Freeze
72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (22–25) Frostbite Rating the enemy has
You cannot inflict Freeze
1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1For each time an enemy has been hit by Flame Core recently, you deal +8% additional Cold Damage to the enemy, up to +(54–60)%.79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2For each time an enemy has been hit by Flame Core recently, you deal +8% additional Cold Damage to the enemy, up to +(47–53)%.72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3For each time an enemy has been hit by Flame Core recently, you deal +(7–8)% additional Cold Damage to the enemy, up to +(42–46)%.1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1Upon inflicting Ignite Damage, triggers the Main Skill if it is a Cold Skill. Interval: (0.7–1.0)s
Your Main Skill cannot inflict Ignite.
79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2Upon inflicting Ignite Damage, triggers the Main Skill if it is a Cold Skill. Interval: (1.1–1.4)s
Your Main Skill cannot inflict Ignite.
72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3Upon inflicting Ignite Damage, triggers the Main Skill if it is a Cold Skill. Interval: (1.5–1.8)s
Your Main Skill cannot inflict Ignite.
1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(33–40)% Critical Strike Damage if you have cast a Fire Skill recently
(-8–-7)% additional damage taken if you have cast a Cold Skill recently
79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(25–32)% Critical Strike Damage if you have cast a Fire Skill recently
(-7–-6)% additional damage taken if you have cast a Cold Skill recently
72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(19–24)% Critical Strike Damage if you have cast a Fire Skill recently
(-6–-5)% additional damage taken if you have cast a Cold Skill recently
1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1When killing enemies with Fire Damage, the current cooldown of all Empower Skills (-9–-6)%.
When killing enemies with Cold Damage, the current cooldown of all Defensive Skills (-9–-6)%.
79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2When killing enemies with Fire Damage, the current cooldown of all Empower Skills (-5–-4)%.
When killing enemies with Cold Damage, the current cooldown of all Defensive Skills (-5–-4)%.
72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3When killing enemies with Fire Damage, the current cooldown of all Empower Skills -3%.
When killing enemies with Cold Damage, the current cooldown of all Defensive Skills -3%.
1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(12–14)% Fire and Cold Resistance79220Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(8–11)% Fire and Cold Resistance72220Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(5–7)% Fire and Cold Resistance1220Ice-Fire Fusion
1(81–100)% of the bonuses for Empower Skill Effect is also applied to the Fusion Energy Effect during Frostfire Rampage.8190Ice-Fire Fusion
2(61–80)% of the bonuses for Empower Skill Effect is also applied to the Fusion Energy Effect during Frostfire Rampage.78240Ice-Fire Fusion
3(46–60)% of the bonuses for Empower Skill Effect is also applied to the Fusion Energy Effect during Frostfire Rampage.71270Ice-Fire Fusion
1For each enemy killed while Frostfire Rampage is active, +2% Fusion Energy Effect and extends the Duration of Frostfire Rampage by 0.4s. The effect takes effect up to (26–30) time(s).8190Ice-Fire Fusion
2For each enemy killed while Frostfire Rampage is active, +2% Fusion Energy Effect and extends the Duration of Frostfire Rampage by 0.4s. The effect takes effect up to (21–25) time(s).78240Ice-Fire Fusion
3For each enemy killed while Frostfire Rampage is active, +2% Fusion Energy Effect and extends the Duration of Frostfire Rampage by 0.4s. The effect takes effect up to (16–20) time(s).71270Ice-Fire Fusion
1Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +(5–6)% Freeze Duration8190Ice-Fire Fusion
2Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +(3–4)% Freeze Duration78240Ice-Fire Fusion
3Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +2% Freeze Duration71270Ice-Fire Fusion

Hero Memories Affix

1Converts (31–40)% of Cold Damage to Fire Damage82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2Converts (24–30)% of Cold Damage to Fire Damage79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3Converts (19–23)% of Cold Damage to Fire Damage1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1+1 Max Ignite stacks for every 7 Max Fusion Energy you have8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2+1 Max Ignite stacks for every 9 Max Fusion Energy you have82160Ice-Fire Fusion
1While Frostfire Rampage is active, (36–45)% of Erosion Damage taken will be randomly converted to a type of Elemental Damage8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2While Frostfire Rampage is active, (28–35)% of Erosion Damage taken will be randomly converted to a type of Elemental Damage82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3While Frostfire Rampage is active, (22–27)% of Erosion Damage taken will be randomly converted to a type of Elemental Damage71200Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(16–20)% Movement Speed82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(12–15)% Movement Speed79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(10–11)% Movement Speed1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(16–20)% Frostfire Rampage Duration8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(12–15)% Frostfire Rampage Duration82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(10–11)% Frostfire Rampage Duration71200Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(25–30)% Fusion Energy Effect at Max Fusion Energy8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(19–24)% Fusion Energy Effect at Max Fusion Energy82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(15–18)% Fusion Energy Effect at Max Fusion Energy71200Ice-Fire Fusion
1When the enemy is Ignited, you deal +1% additional Cold Damage to the enemy every 0.1, up to +(13–15)%. You will lose the effect at the end of the Ignite effect.82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2When the enemy is Ignited, you deal +1% additional Cold Damage to the enemy every 0.1, up to +(10–12)%. You will lose the effect at the end of the Ignite effect.79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3When the enemy is Ignited, you deal +1% additional Cold Damage to the enemy every 0.1, up to +(6–9)%. You will lose the effect at the end of the Ignite effect.1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (12–16) Frostbite Rating the enemy has82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (17–21) Frostbite Rating the enemy has79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3Deals +1% additional Fire Damage to an enemy for every (22–25) Frostbite Rating the enemy has1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1Adds (81–100) Base Ignite Damage
Inflicts Frostbite when causing Ignite
82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2Adds (61–80) Base Ignite Damage
Inflicts Frostbite when causing Ignite
79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3Adds (46–60) Base Ignite Damage
Inflicts Frostbite when causing Ignite
1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1When Fire Damage hits, +(9–10)% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing
When casting a Cold Skill, +(16–20)% chance to gain 1 stack of Focus Blessing
82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2When Fire Damage hits, +(7–8)% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing
When casting a Cold Skill, +(12–15)% chance to gain 1 stack of Focus Blessing
79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3When Fire Damage hits, +(5–6)% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing
When casting a Cold Skill, +(8–11)% chance to gain 1 stack of Focus Blessing
1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(26–30)% Cold Penetration if you haven't cast any Cold Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Cold Skill is cast.
+(26–30)% Fire Penetration if you haven't cast any Fire Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Fire Skill is cast
82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(21–25)% Cold Penetration if you haven't cast any Cold Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Cold Skill is cast.
+(21–25)% Fire Penetration if you haven't cast any Fire Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Fire Skill is cast
79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(17–20)% Cold Penetration if you haven't cast any Cold Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Cold Skill is cast.
+(17–20)% Fire Penetration if you haven't cast any Fire Skills recently. Lasts for 2s after a Fire Skill is cast
1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1When using a Cold Skill, restores (61–80) Life and Energy Shield. Interval: 0.2s.
When using a Fire Skill, loses 2% of the current Life and Energy Shield and this skill +(10–12)% additional damage
82145Ice-Fire Fusion
2When using a Cold Skill, restores (56–60) Life and Energy Shield. Interval: 0.2s.
When using a Fire Skill, loses 2% of the current Life and Energy Shield and this skill +(8–9)% additional damage
79182Ice-Fire Fusion
3When using a Cold Skill, restores (41–55) Life and Energy Shield. Interval: 0.2s.
When using a Fire Skill, loses 2% of the current Life and Energy Shield and this skill +7% additional damage
1255Ice-Fire Fusion
1While Frostfire Rampage is active, +2% Max Cold and Fire Resistance8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2While Frostfire Rampage is active, +1% Max Cold and Fire Resistance82160Ice-Fire Fusion
1+1% additional damage for every 0.3s Frostfire Rampage lasts, up to +(16–20)%. Loses the effect when Frostfire Rampage ends8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2+1% additional damage for every 0.4s Frostfire Rampage lasts, up to +(11–15)%. Loses the effect when Frostfire Rampage ends82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3+1% additional damage for every 0.5s Frostfire Rampage lasts, up to +(7–10)%. Loses the effect when Frostfire Rampage ends71200Ice-Fire Fusion
1+(41–60)% Critical Strike Damage at Max Fusion Energy. (16–20)% chance to lose 1 Fusion Energy when dealing non-Critical Strikes.8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2+(26–41)% Critical Strike Damage at Max Fusion Energy. (11–15)% chance to lose 1 Fusion Energy when dealing non-Critical Strikes.82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3+(16–25)% Critical Strike Damage at Max Fusion Energy. (6–10)% chance to lose 1 Fusion Energy when dealing non-Critical Strikes.71200Ice-Fire Fusion
1Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +(3–4)% Frostbite Rating inflicted8540Ice-Fire Fusion
2Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +2% Frostbite Rating inflicted82160Ice-Fire Fusion
3Fusion Energy gains an additional effect: +1% Frostbite Rating inflicted71200Ice-Fire Fusion
Skill Shop /283
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