Burst of Anger

Mana Cost
Cast Speed
1 s
10 s
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 10.5% Attack Speed, 10% Physique, and 3% additional Attack Damage. Lasts 6s.
While the skill lasts, defeating an enemy or hitting an Elite has a chance to refresh the skill's Duration.
Receives Persistent Physical Damage equal to 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield every second.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
19.53% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.9% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as Persistent Physical Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
Mana Cost
Cast Speed
1 s
12 s

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 10.5% additional Attack Speed, 10% Physique, and 10% additional Skill Area for 4s.
While the skill lasts, gain Euphoria when defeating an enemy: 1% Movement Speed, stacking up to 20 time(s).
While the skill lasts, defeating an enemy or hitting an Elite has a chance to refresh the skill cooldown.
Receives Persistent Physical Damage equal to 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield every second.

Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
10.5% additional Attack Speed while the skill lasts (Lv1:21/2) (Lv21:41/2) (Lv41:57/2)
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
+10% Skill Area while the skill lasts. This effect is not affected by status effects
+100% chance to refresh Duration on kill while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 4s
While the skill lasts, gains Euphoria when defeating an enemy:
+1% Movement Speed while the skill lasts (Lv1:1) (Lv21:1) (Lv41:1)
Stacks up to 20 time(s)
Loses this Euphoria effect after the skill ends
Takes 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as Persistent Physical Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped

The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
Drop Source
Progression /40
level Descript
1Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
10.5% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
+3% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as Persistent Physical Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
2Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
10.98% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.1% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
3Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
11.45% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.2% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
4Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
11.93% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.3% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
5Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
12.4% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.4% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
6Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
12.88% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.5% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
7Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
13.35% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.6% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
8Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
13.83% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.7% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
9Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
14.3% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.8% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
10Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
14.78% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
3.9% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
11Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
15.25% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
+4% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
12Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
15.73% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.1% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
13Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
16.2% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.2% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
14Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
16.68% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.3% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
15Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
17.15% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.4% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
16Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
17.63% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.5% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
17Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
18.1% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.6% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
18Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
18.58% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.7% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
19Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
19.05% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.8% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
20Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
19.53% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
4.9% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
21Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+20% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
+5% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
22Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
20.26% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.05% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
23Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
20.51% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.1% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
24Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
20.77% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.15% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
25Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
21.02% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.2% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
26Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
21.28% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.25% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
27Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
21.53% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.3% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
28Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
21.79% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.35% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
29Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
22.04% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.4% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
30Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
22.3% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.45% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
31Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
22.55% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.5% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
32Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
22.81% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.55% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
33Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
23.06% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.6% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
34Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
23.32% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.65% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
35Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
23.57% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.7% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
36Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
23.83% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.75% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
37Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
24.08% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.8% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
38Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
24.34% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.85% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
39Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
24.59% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.9% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
40Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
24.85% Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
5.95% additional Attack Damage while the skill lasts
+100% chance to refresh Duration on defeat while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 6s
Takes #skilldamage, 591, 1, P2#% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as #skilldamage, 591, 1, DamageType# #skilldamage, 591, 1, AttributeType# Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped