Unlocked /8
Cinders are obtained from defeating the Plane Watchers.
Collect Cinders to unlock new Netherrealm planes and features, and ultimately locate the Traveler.
title des flame1
Feature UnlockedNetherrealm - Spacetime Turbulence0
You've unlocked Chaos Invasion!Trait Card7
Plane UnlockedBlistering Lava Sea3
Plane UnlockedSteel Forge8
Plane UnlockedThunder Wastes15
Plane UnlockedVoidlands24
Boss UnlockedRealm Lord35
Boss UnlockedVoid Rift31
Drops everywhere in Netherrealm /732
Elixir of Oblivion
A necessary item for adjusting Talent
Used to get a talent reset node
Netherrealm resonance
The item used to refresh a Netherrealm stage's base affixes
Used to add Base Affixes to Netherrealm stages.
Winding Key
Used to get a Winding Point.
The Winding Point is a resource required to revert Talent Nodes in the Netherrealm Void Chart.
Energy Core
An item required to refine the gear energy value
Used to refine
Secret of the Glacial Abyss
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for random Flame x5 from Spacetime Wanderer
Crow's Wail
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for an Ultimate Ember from the Spacetime Wanderer
Maud's Trick
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for Flame Elementium x1 from the Spacetime Wanderer
Portent Moon
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for 3-6 random Ultimate Embers from the Spacetime Wanderer
Lost Secrets
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for Flame Elementium x9 from the Spacetime Wanderer
Forbidden Prophecy
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for random Fluorescent Memory x1 from the Spacetime Wanderer
Endless Night
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for Portent Moon from the Spacetime Wanderer
Defile the Stars
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a piece ofUltimate Legendary gear affected by Darkest Corrosion from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Tarnish the Stars
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a piece of Darkness Corroded Ultimate Legendary gear from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Second Divinity
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a Pedigree of Gods that is guaranteed to have a Lv. 1 Main Talent Node from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Boundless Realm of the Divine
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a Space Rift or Last God's Revelation from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Gaze Upon the Reflection
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a Twin Reflection from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Tomorrow's Direction
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for random Compass x10 from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Agnostic Thesis
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for Forbidden Prophecy x20 from the Spacetime Wanderer
Type IV Supernova
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a piece of Legendary gear with 4 Legendary Aptitudes from the Spacetime Wanderer
Type III Supernova
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a piece of Legendary gear with 3 Legendary Aptitudes from the Spacetime Wanderer
Uncertain Voyage
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for 1 random Compass from the Spacetime Wanderer
Disciple's Ascension
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for 5-15 Transcendence Wedges (Legendary) from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Disciple's Honor
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for 5-15 Transcendence Wedges (New God) from the Spacetime Wanderer.
Wish of Divinity
Collect the specified number of Fluorescent Memories to exchange for corresponding items from the Trader
Collect %s to exchange for a Divinity Slate with 2 Legendary Medium Talent Nodes and 3 Legendary Divinity Slots from the Spacetime Wanderer
Ground Quartz
A crafting material used to upgrade a piece of gear's affixes.
Flame Sand
A crafting material used for Prototype Crafting.
Flame Elementium
A crafting material used for Targeted Processing.
Truth Ember
Can re-equip all affixes randomly.
Ultimate Ember
Used during crafting to upgrade T1 affixes.
Glacial Abyss Beacon (Timemark 1)
A ticket for entering the Netherrealm stage
Can be used to open a Netherrealm stage in the Glacial Abyss plane (Timemark 1).
Blistering Lava Sea Beacon (Timemark 2)
A ticket for entering the Netherrealm stage
Can be used to open a Netherrealm stage in the Blistering Lava Sea plane (Timemark 2).
Require lv 1
7 - 10 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+1% Life Regain
Witherbark Club
Require lv 1

1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Area Damage
Iron Scrap Blade
Require lv 1

1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Critical Strike Rating
Rusted Bronze Sword
Require lv 1

1.5 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Attack Damage
Rusted Iron Axe
Require lv 1

1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Physical Damage
Thief Short Dagger
Require lv 1

1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Critical Strike Rating
Wayfarer Cane
Require lv 1

1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Projectile Damage
Withervine Wand
Require lv 1
3 - 5 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Spell Damage
Crude Iron Maul
Require lv 1
15 - 21 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+8% Skill Area
Shattered Iron Axe
Require lv 1
8 - 13 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Melee Damage
Crude Wooden Sword
Require lv 1
14 - 18 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Attack Damage
Witherbark Staff
Require lv 1
10 - 16 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Attack Block Chance
Withervine Staff
Require lv 1
4 - 6 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Cast Speed
Rusted Pistol
Require lv 1
7 - 10 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Projectile Damage
Rottenwood Bow
Require lv 1
11 - 15 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Attack Damage
Woodvine Light Crossbow
Require lv 1
9 - 16 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Physical Damage
Witherbark Cannon
Require lv 1
13 - 17 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Area Damage
Beginner's Cannon
Require lv 1
13 - 17 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Area Damage
Rusted Rifle
Require lv 1
10 - 12 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Elemental Damage
Brute's Chestguard
Require lv 1
200 Armor
Rogue Outerwear
Require lv 1
230 Evasion
Herbalist's Robe
Require lv 1
7 Energy Shield
Brute Handguards
Require lv 1
170 Armor
Rogue's Gloves
Require lv 1
220 Evasion
Herbalist's Gloves
Require lv 1
6 Energy Shield
Brute's Helm
Require lv 1
170 Armor
Rogue's Hood
Require lv 1
220 Evasion
Herbalist's Headscarf
Require lv 1
6 Energy Shield
Brute's Greaves
Require lv 1
170 Armor
Rogue's Long Boots
Require lv 1
220 Evasion
Herbalist's Footguards
Require lv 1
6 Energy Shield
Hardrock Kite Shield
Require lv 1
80 Armor
25% Attack Block
Deer Hide Buckler
Require lv 1
80 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Rottenbone Caster Shield
Require lv 1
6 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Red Crystal Amulet
Require lv 1
Adds 3 - 4 Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
Tortoiseshell Amulet
Require lv 1
Adds 3 - 4 Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
Opal Amulet
Require lv 1
Adds 1 - (7–8) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
Growth Ring
Require lv 1
+(45–60) Max Life
Wise Man's Ring
Require lv 1
+(48–60) Max Mana
Sage's Ring
Require lv 1
+(32–40) Max Energy Shield
Rock Belt
Require lv 1
Regenerates (4–8) Life per second
Wind Blade Belt
Require lv 1
+(16–24)% damage
Spring Source Belt
Require lv 1
Regenerates (10–20) Mana per second
Proof of the Brave I
Require lv 1
Proof of Reaching Level 1 of High Tower
When people hold this seal in their hands, the light on them will be extinguished, and the door to the Infinity Tower will open... Only the brave who are ready to dive into the darkness will choose this path.
Proof of the Brave II
Require lv 1
Proof of Reaching Level 11 of High Tower
The miniature of the world flows in the palm of the brave. It is a corner of the great existence projected on this world. After searching through countless worlds, the brave has finally earned the right to meet her.
Proof of the Brave III
Require lv 1
Proof of Reaching Level 21 of High Tower
This is her fragment. This is her dress. It is a part of her body... The brave is getting closer and closer to the reality of the world, but the light on the hero's body has become dimmer.
Proof of the Brave IV
Require lv 1
Proof of Reaching Level 31 of High Tower
Darkness has been a part of you forever. Even in your sleep, you hear the call of the greatness. She is waiting for you. She knows you will be back again.
Proof of the Brave V
Require lv 1
Proof of Reaching Level 41 of High Tower
The seal is covered in the tears of the greatness. Now the brave can finally reach her untouchable soul... Behind the endless veil of the void, it is not the gods that stand forever. In the strange eternity, even time can be shattered.
Rock Belt
Require lv 1
Regenerates (4–8) Life per second
Twin Reflection
Require lv 1
Everything in the void has an opposite. The Goddess of Chaos and the Goddess of Order. The ember and the aember. "They are like the reflections of the original world that lies beyond all dimensions, echoing the realms that proliferate across countless planes." - Glyph from Dimension II, Hunter's Forge
An item that can be used to replicate gear at Zenoth the Lightless!
Shark Tooth
Require lv 2
8 - 13 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
+1% Energy Shield Regain
Mossy Stone Hammer
Require lv 2
14 - 20 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
5% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Black Short Blade
Require lv 2
6 - 10 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+5% Critical Strike Damage
Crude Iron Sword
Require lv 2
9 - 14 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+2% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Twisted Copper Axe
Require lv 2
11 - 15 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
5% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Rusted Dagger
Require lv 2
9 - 14 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+5% Wilt chance
Rambone Cane
Require lv 2
6 - 10 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+5% Critical Strike Damage
Rambone Wand
Require lv 2
5 - 8 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Minion Damage
Hardrock Mallet
Require lv 2
20 - 30 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(11–13)% Knockback distance
Gigantic Stone Axe
Require lv 2
16 - 22 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Trauma Damage
Rottenwood Greatsword
Require lv 2
16 - 20 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+3% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Cultivation Iron Staff
Require lv 2
14 - 22 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Spell Block Chance
Bonewood Staff
Require lv 2
8 - 13 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Rating
Blackrock Zapper
Require lv 2
8 - 12 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+1% Life Regain
Vitex Bow
Require lv 2
13 - 18 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+3% Projectile Speed
Rambone Short Crossbow
Require lv 2
12 - 21 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
7% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Rusted Blaster
Require lv 2
15 - 20 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Skill Area
Crude Iron Rifle
Require lv 2
12 - 16 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+7% chance to cause Ailments
Black Iron Kite Shield
Require lv 2
150 Armor
25% Attack Block
Beastbone Buckler
Require lv 2
150 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Softwood Square Shield
Require lv 2
9 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Footman's Chestguard
Require lv 3
270 Armor
Scout's Tight Vest
Require lv 3
270 Evasion
Scribe's Coat
Require lv 3
10 Energy Shield
Footman's Gauntlets
Require lv 3
240 Armor
Scout's Gloves
Require lv 3
280 Evasion
Scribe Handguards
Require lv 3
9 Energy Shield
Footman Helmet
Require lv 3
240 Armor
Scout's Hood
Require lv 3
280 Evasion
Scribe's Headscarf
Require lv 3
9 Energy Shield
Footman's Boots
Require lv 3
240 Armor
Scout's Short Boots
Require lv 3
280 Evasion
Scribe's Boots
Require lv 3
9 Energy Shield
Pickaxe Claw
Require lv 6
13 - 21 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
1.5% Life Regain
Rusted Wooden Hammer
Require lv 6
24 - 35 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Area Damage
Iron Short Blade
Require lv 6
12 - 19 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Rating
Recruit's Saber
Require lv 6
18 - 28 Physical Damage
1.45 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Attack Damage
Iron Hatchet
Require lv 6
20 - 32 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Physical Damage
Slaughter Short Dagger
Require lv 6
12 - 19 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Rating
Witness Cane
Require lv 6
12 - 19 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Projectile Damage
Carved Wooden Wand
Require lv 6
9 - 14 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Spell Damage
Iron Maul
Require lv 6
31 - 50 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Skill Area
Iron Battle Axe
Require lv 6
28 - 42 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Melee Damage
Rusted Claymore
Require lv 6
21 - 34 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Attack Damage
Thorny Staff
Require lv 6
19 - 30 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Attack Block Chance
Ivory Staff
Require lv 6
13 - 21 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Cast Speed
Pocket Boomstick
Require lv 6
12 - 19 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Projectile Damage
Beastbone Bow
Require lv 6
17 - 27 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Attack Damage
Darkwoods Long Crossbow
Require lv 6
19 - 31 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Physical Damage
Black Iron Cannon
Require lv 6
21 - 34 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Area Damage
Recruit's Musket
Require lv 6
15 - 24 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Elemental Damage
Rock Kite Shield
Require lv 6
210 Armor
25% Attack Block
Raven Buckler
Require lv 6
210 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Ivory Square Shield
Require lv 6
19 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Flare Amulet
Require lv 6
+(8–10)% Attack Speed
Ripple Amulet
Require lv 6
+(8–10)% Cast Speed
Mountaineer's Chest Armor
Require lv 10
380 Armor
Excavator Outerwear
Require lv 10
380 Evasion
Pilgrim's Cloak
Require lv 10
22 Energy Shield
Mountaineer Handguards
Require lv 10
330 Armor
Excavator Handguards
Require lv 10
330 Evasion
Pilgrim's Gloves
Require lv 10
19 Energy Shield
Mountaineer Helmet
Require lv 10
330 Armor
Excavator's Hat
Require lv 10
330 Evasion
Pilgrim's Mask
Require lv 10
19 Energy Shield
Mountaineer's Footguards
Require lv 10
330 Armor
Excavator's Waterproof Boots
Require lv 10
330 Evasion
Pilgrim's Long Boots
Require lv 10
19 Energy Shield
Black Cat Claw
Require lv 12
17 - 27 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
+2% Energy Shield Regain
Black Iron Maul
Require lv 12
27 - 42 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
8% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Coldlight Shank
Require lv 12
15 - 24 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+10% Critical Strike Damage
Iron Sword
Require lv 12
20 - 32 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+3% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Sharpened Iron Axe
Require lv 12
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
8% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Poisoned Dagger
Require lv 12
15 - 24 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+8% Wilt chance
Snake-scale Cane
Require lv 12
15 - 24 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Critical Strike Damage
Cuprite Wand
Require lv 12
13 - 21 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–24)% Minion Damage
Icefrost Mallet
Require lv 12
33 - 53 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(17–21)% Knockback distance
Hardrock Stone Axe
Require lv 12
30 - 45 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Trauma Damage
Rock Claymore
Require lv 12
22 - 35 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+5% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Ascetic Iron Staff
Require lv 12
19 - 30 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+7% Spell Block Chance
Iron Staff
Require lv 12
20 - 32 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Rating
Iron Pistol
Require lv 12
15 - 24 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+2% Life Regain
Thorny Curve Bow
Require lv 12
22 - 35 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Projectile Speed
Bronze Short Crossbow
Require lv 12
25 - 40 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(9–11)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Iron Cannon
Require lv 12
27 - 43 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Skill Area
Iron Musket
Require lv 12
20 - 33 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% chance to cause Ailments
Warden's Tower Shield
Require lv 12
300 Armor
25% Attack Block
Bloody Light Shield
Require lv 12
300 Evasion
25% Attack Block
White Feather Caster Shield
Require lv 12
39 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Cinnabar Amulet
Require lv 16
+(20–30)% chance to Ignite targets
Adds (30–50) Base Ignite Damage
Moonstone Amulet
Require lv 16
+(20–30)% chance to inflict Trauma
Adds (50–80) Base Trauma Damage
Obsidian Amulet
Require lv 16
+(20–30)% Wilt chance
Adds (20–40) Base Wilt Damage
Paladin's Heavy Armor
Require lv 17
540 Armor
Skirmisher Outerwear
Require lv 17
540 Evasion
Acolyte's Robe
Require lv 17
45 Energy Shield
Paladin's Hands
Require lv 17
460 Armor
Skirmisher's Gloves
Require lv 17
460 Evasion
Acolyte Handguards
Require lv 17
39 Energy Shield
Paladin's Heavy Helm
Require lv 17
460 Armor
Skirmisher's Mask
Require lv 17
460 Evasion
Acolyte's Crown
Require lv 17
39 Energy Shield
Paladin's Iron Greaves
Require lv 17
460 Armor
Skirmisher's Leather Boots
Require lv 17
460 Evasion
Acolyte's Footwraps
Require lv 17
39 Energy Shield
Eyestinger Claw
Require lv 20
23 - 38 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
2.5% Life Regain
War Hammer
Require lv 20
40 - 64 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Area Damage
Fool's Dagger
Require lv 20
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Critical Strike Rating
Thorny Sword
Require lv 20
27 - 43 Physical Damage
1.45 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Attack Damage
Alloy Board Axe
Require lv 20
31 - 50 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Physical Damage
Assassin Short Dagger
Require lv 20
22 - 35 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Critical Strike Rating
Recluse Cane
Require lv 20
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Projectile Damage
Spiritwood Wand
Require lv 20
18 - 29 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Spell Damage
Beastfang Mallet
Require lv 20
61 - 98 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Skill Area
Coldlight Greataxe
Require lv 20
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Melee Damage
Iron Greatsword
Require lv 20
41 - 66 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Attack Damage
Dryad Staff
Require lv 20
37 - 59 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+8% Attack Block Chance
Viper Staff
Require lv 20
26 - 42 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Cast Speed
Black Feather Zapper
Require lv 20
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Projectile Damage
Bonewood Hunting Bow
Require lv 20
41 - 66 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Attack Damage
Soldier's Light Crossbow
Require lv 20
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Physical Damage
Wolf Hunter's Cannon
Require lv 20
52 - 83 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Area Damage
Wolf Fang Rifle
Require lv 20
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Elemental Damage
Redsteel Tower Shield
Require lv 20
420 Armor
25% Attack Block
Ranger's Buckler
Require lv 20
420 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Bonewood Caster Shield
Require lv 20
56 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Arcanist Belt
Require lv 21
+(60–90) Max Energy Shield
Fearless Belt
Require lv 21
+(60–90) Max Life
Magic Belt
Require lv 21
+(48–60) Max Mana
Berserker's Chest Armor
Require lv 25
700 Armor
Hunter's Chestguard
Require lv 25
700 Evasion
Witchdoctor's Robe
Require lv 25
66 Energy Shield
Berserker's Hands
Require lv 25
600 Armor
Hunter's Gloves
Require lv 25
600 Evasion
Witchdoctor's Gloves
Require lv 25
56 Energy Shield
Berserker's Spired Helm
Require lv 25
600 Armor
Hunter's Hood
Require lv 25
600 Evasion
Witchdoctor's Mask
Require lv 25
56 Energy Shield
Berserker's Footguards
Require lv 25
600 Armor
Hunter's Leather Boots
Require lv 25
600 Evasion
Witchdoctor's Slippers
Require lv 25
56 Energy Shield
Hero's Necklace
Require lv 26
+(4–8)% Strength
Assassin's Amulet
Require lv 26
+(4–8)% Dexterity
Sage's Necklace
Require lv 26
+(4–8)% Intelligence
Flow Amulet
Require lv 26
+(24–30)% Minion Damage
Berserker Claw
Require lv 27
25 - 40 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
2.5% Energy Shield Regain
Oblivion Maul
Require lv 27
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
(8–10)% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Cuprite Dagger
Require lv 27
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Critical Strike Damage
Battlefield Longsword
Require lv 27
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+4% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
War Axe
Require lv 27
28 - 45 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(8–10)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Voodoo Dagger
Require lv 27
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Wilt chance
Wolf Fang Cane
Require lv 27
24 - 38 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–12)% Critical Strike Damage
Wind Spirit Wand
Require lv 27
21 - 34 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(25–30)% Minion Damage
Scarlet Maul
Require lv 27
54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(23–29)% Knockback distance
Gilt Board Axe
Require lv 27
41 - 66 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Trauma Damage
Conflict Greatsword
Require lv 27
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+6% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Confession Iron Staff
Require lv 27
30 - 48 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+10% Spell Block Chance
Gilt Staff
Require lv 27
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(32–40)% Critical Strike Rating
Rottenbone Zapper
Require lv 27
23 - 37 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
2.5% Life Regain
Segar Hunting Bow
Require lv 27
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+6% Projectile Speed
Black Iron Crossbow
Require lv 27
41 - 66 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(12–16)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Starmetal Cannon
Require lv 27
44 - 70 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Skill Area
Blazing Rifle
Require lv 27
29 - 46 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% chance to cause Ailments
Giant's Kite Shield
Require lv 27
550 Armor
25% Attack Block
Dawning Light Shield
Require lv 27
550 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Scholar's Shield
Require lv 27
74 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Royal Sentry's Chest Armor
Require lv 32
910 Armor
Royal Agent Outerwear
Require lv 32
910 Evasion
Scholar's Robe
Require lv 32
86 Energy Shield
Royal Sentry Handguards
Require lv 32
780 Armor
Royal Agent's Gloves
Require lv 32
780 Evasion
Scholar's Gloves
Require lv 32
74 Energy Shield
Royal Sentry's Crown
Require lv 32
780 Armor
Royal Agent's Eye
Require lv 32
780 Evasion
Scholar's Chapeau
Require lv 32
74 Energy Shield
Royal Sentry's Footguards
Require lv 32
780 Armor
Royal Agent's Short Boots
Require lv 32
780 Evasion
Scholar's Soft Shoes
Require lv 32
74 Energy Shield
Sandstorm Katar
Require lv 34
31 - 50 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(35–44)% chance to cause Blinding on hit
Wailing Claw
Require lv 34
33 - 53 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+3% Life Regain
Prayer Hammer
Require lv 34
54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Minion Damage
Nightmare Hammer
Require lv 34
57 - 91 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Area Damage
Twinblade Shank
Require lv 34
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Ailment Duration
Demonic Scarlet Blade
Require lv 34
34 - 54 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Rating
Redgold Sword
Require lv 34
37 - 59 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Rating
Cold Blade
Require lv 34
39 - 62 Physical Damage
1.45 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Attack Damage
Scoundrel's Axe
Require lv 34
42 - 67 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
Adds 3 Base Trauma Damage
Earthsplitter Axe
Require lv 34
45 - 72 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Physical Damage
Resentment Dirk
Require lv 34
31 - 50 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
3% chance to inflict 1 additional stacks of Wilt
Violence Short Dagger
Require lv 34
34 - 54 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Rating
Omen Short Staff
Require lv 34
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Adds Base (20–25) Shock Damage
Thinker Cane
Require lv 34
34 - 54 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Projectile Damage
Voodoo Wand
Require lv 34
25 - 40 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Sentry Skill cast frequency
Flower Sea Wand
Require lv 34
25 - 40 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Spell Damage
Lonewolf Maul
Require lv 34
83 - 133 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+7% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Valagon Mallet
Require lv 34
88 - 141 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Skill Area
Marsh Greataxe
Require lv 34
64 - 102 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
Attack Skills: 4% chance to ignore Armor
Blazing Greataxe
Require lv 34
69 - 110 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Melee Damage
Ripping Claymore
Require lv 34
56 - 90 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Damage
Coldlight Claymore
Require lv 34
59 - 94 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Attack Damage
Broken Mirror Staff
Require lv 34
49 - 78 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
Ancestral Staff
Require lv 34
53 - 85 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(9–11)% Attack Block Chance
Flower Sea Staff
Require lv 34
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Minion Max Life
Monkey Staff
Require lv 34
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(8–10)% Cast Speed
Thorny Boomstick
Require lv 34
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+3% Projectile Damage
Warden's Boomstick
Require lv 34
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Movement Speed
Griffin Long Bow
Require lv 34
66 - 106 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+5% Projectile Damage
White Wolf Curve Bow
Require lv 34
59 - 94 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Movement Speed
Elven Hunting Crossbow
Require lv 34
64 - 102 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+1 Horizontal Projectile Penetration(s)
Beastfang Light Crossbow
Require lv 34
69 - 110 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Physical Damage
Unholy Blaster
Require lv 34
69 - 110 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Converts 25% Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Warden's Blaster
Require lv 34
74 - 118 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Area Damage
Unpredictable Rifle
Require lv 34
47 - 75 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Damage Penetrates 4% Elemental Resistance
Ripple Rifle
Require lv 34
50 - 80 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Elemental Damage
Bloodstone Tower Shield
Require lv 34
700 Armor
25% Attack Block
+8% Attack Damage
Gilt Tower Shield
Require lv 34
700 Armor
25% Attack Block
Forlorn Light Shield
Require lv 34
700 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+3% Attack and Cast Speed
Darknight Light Shield
Require lv 34
700 Evasion
25% Attack Block
White Whale Caster Shield
Require lv 34
94 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+8% Spell Damage
Wiseman's Square Shield
Require lv 34
94 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Ranger Belt
Require lv 34
+(300–400) Armor and Evasion
Conqueror Girdle
Require lv 36
+(480–600) Armor
Wayfarer Belt
Require lv 36
+(480–600) Evasion
Iron Sentry's Heavy Armor
Require lv 37
1180 Armor
+4% chance to avoid damage
Crusader's Heavy Armor
Require lv 37
1180 Armor
Prospector Outerwear
Require lv 37
1180 Evasion
+4% chance to avoid damage
Mercenary's Jacket
Require lv 37
1180 Evasion
Disciple's Coat
Require lv 37
110 Energy Shield
+3% Minion Elemental Resistance
Chaplain's Regalia
Require lv 37
110 Energy Shield
Iron Sentry's Hold
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
Adds (4–5) - (6–8) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
Crusader's Hold
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
Prospector Handguards
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
Adds 1 - (10–12) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
Mercenary's Wristbands
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
Disciple Handguards
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Adds (4–5) - (6–7) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
Chaplain's Gloves
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Iron Sentry's Helmet
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Rating
Crusader's Full Helm
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
Prospector's Hat
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
+3% Attack and Cast Speed
Mercenary's Headcover
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
Disciple's Headscarf
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
+(20–25)% Minion Critical Strike Rating
Chaplain's Crown
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Iron Sentry's Feet
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
+5% chance to Ignite targets
Crusader's Greaves
Require lv 37
1010 Armor
Prospector's Short Boots
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
+5% Shock chance
Mercenary's Leather Boots
Require lv 37
1010 Evasion
Disciple's Cloth Boots
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
+5% chance to inflict Frostbite
Chaplain's Footwraps
Require lv 37
94 Energy Shield
Two-Headed Claw
Require lv 40
33 - 53 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
+3% Energy Shield Regain
Dragon's Roar Hammer
Require lv 40
47 - 75 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Bone Stinger Short Blade
Require lv 40
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Damage
Talon Sword
Require lv 40
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+5% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Savage Axe
Require lv 40
37 - 59 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Nightshade Dagger
Require lv 40
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Wilt chance
Leopard Jaw Cane
Require lv 40
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Damage
Wiseman's Wand
Require lv 40
28 - 45 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(32–36)% Minion Damage
Crushing Mallet
Require lv 40
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(29–36)% Knockback distance
Giant's Board Axe
Require lv 40
55 - 88 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Trauma Damage
Gladiator's Greatsword
Require lv 40
46 - 74 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+8% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Authority Iron Staff
Require lv 40
40 - 64 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(10–12)% Spell Block Chance
White Crystal Staff
Require lv 40
43 - 69 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(40–50)% Critical Strike Rating
Unholy Zapper
Require lv 40
31 - 50 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+3% Life Regain
Raider's Bow
Require lv 40
46 - 74 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+7% Projectile Speed
Jungle Hunting Bow
Require lv 40
55 - 88 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(15–19)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Griffin Blaster
Require lv 40
59 - 94 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Skill Area
Eagle Rifle
Require lv 40
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% chance to cause Ailments
Starmetal Kite Shield
Require lv 40
700 Armor
25% Attack Block
Griffin Buckler
Require lv 40
700 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Voodoo Caster Shield
Require lv 40
107 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Packleader Chest Armor
Require lv 42
1540 Armor
Wild Dominator Outerwear
Require lv 42
1540 Evasion
Shaman's Short Robe
Require lv 42
125 Energy Shield
+(40–52) Max Life
Packleader Handguards
Require lv 42
1320 Armor
Wild Dominator Handguards
Require lv 42
1320 Evasion
Shaman's Hands
Require lv 42
107 Energy Shield
Packleader Helmet
Require lv 42
1320 Armor
Wild Dominator Headdress
Require lv 42
1320 Evasion
Shaman's Headdress
Require lv 42
107 Energy Shield
Packleader Greaves
Require lv 42
1320 Armor
Wild Dominator Long Boots
Require lv 42
1320 Evasion
Shaman's Slippers
Require lv 42
107 Energy Shield
Direwolf Fang
Require lv 46
42 - 67 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
3.5% Life Regain
Tremor Wooden Hammer
Require lv 46
71 - 114 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Area Damage
Outlaw Blade
Require lv 46
42 - 67 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Critical Strike Rating
Hurricane Short Sword
Require lv 46
49 - 78 Physical Damage
1.45 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Attack Damage
Valagon Axe
Require lv 46
57 - 91 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Physical Damage
Kingslayer Short Dagger
Require lv 46
42 - 67 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Critical Strike Rating
Traitor Cane
Require lv 46
42 - 67 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Projectile Damage
White Crystal Wand
Require lv 46
32 - 51 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Spell Damage
Devastating Mallet
Require lv 46
110 - 176 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Skill Area
Doomsday Board Axe
Require lv 46
86 - 138 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Melee Damage
Barren Greatsword
Require lv 46
75 - 120 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Attack Damage
Flower Staff
Require lv 46
66 - 106 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(10–13)% Attack Block Chance
Black Feather Staff
Require lv 46
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Cast Speed
Cursed Boomstick
Require lv 46
43 - 69 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Projectile Damage
White Feather Hunting Bow
Require lv 46
75 - 120 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Attack Damage
Segar Hunting Crossbow
Require lv 46
86 - 138 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
480 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Physical Damage
Blazing Cannon
Require lv 46
93 - 149 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Area Damage
Toxic Rifle
Require lv 46
63 - 101 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
520 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Elemental Damage
Griffin Tower Shield
Require lv 46
900 Armor
25% Attack Block
Wind Spirit Light Shield
Require lv 46
900 Evasion
25% Attack Block
Bard's Square Shield
Require lv 46
119 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
Ebb Amulet
Require lv 46
+(8–10)% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
Billow Ring
Require lv 46
+(32–40)% Critical Strike Rating
Stalker Belt
Require lv 46
+(4–5)% Movement Speed
Bannerlord's Heavy Armor
Require lv 47
1840 Armor
Master Spy's Chestguard
Require lv 47
1840 Evasion
Grand Mentor's Coat
Require lv 47
139 Energy Shield
Bannerlord's Gauntlets
Require lv 47
1580 Armor
Master Spy's Hands
Require lv 47
1580 Evasion
Grand Mentor's Gloves
Require lv 47
119 Energy Shield
Bannerlord's Hawkhelm
Require lv 47
1580 Armor
Master Spy's Face
Require lv 47
1580 Evasion
Grand Mentor's Eye
Require lv 47
119 Energy Shield
Bannerlord's Sabatons
Require lv 47
1580 Armor
Master Spy's Treads
Require lv 47
1580 Evasion
Grand Mentor's Footwraps
Require lv 47
119 Energy Shield
Divine Punishment Ring
Require lv 51
+(20–25)% Elemental Damage
Immortal Belt
Require lv 51
Regenerates 1% Life per second
Eternal Belt
Require lv 51
Regenerates 1% Mana per second
Spinesplitter Katar
Require lv 52
40 - 64 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Energy Shield Regain
Thorny Hammer
Require lv 52
58 - 93 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Callous Dagger
Require lv 52
39 - 62 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Damage
Blizzard Sword
Require lv 52
39 - 62 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+6% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Cursed Axe
Require lv 52
45 - 72 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Cursed Dagger
Require lv 52
39 - 62 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Wilt chance
Lion Heart Cane
Require lv 52
39 - 62 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Critical Strike Damage
Viper Wand
Require lv 52
35 - 56 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(40–45)% Minion Damage
Doomsday Maul
Require lv 52
88 - 141 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(34–42)% Knockback distance
Redgold Greataxe
Require lv 52
67 - 107 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Trauma Damage
Tidal Claymore
Require lv 52
57 - 91 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+9% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Conviction Iron Staff
Require lv 52
50 - 80 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(11–14)% Spell Block Chance
Twilight Staff
Require lv 52
52 - 83 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(48–60)% Critical Strike Rating
Viper Zapper
Require lv 52
38 - 61 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Life Regain
Piercer Bow
Require lv 52
57 - 91 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+8% Projectile Speed
Muddy Long Crossbow
Require lv 52
67 - 107 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(18–23)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Unyielding Cannon
Require lv 52
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Skill Area
Conflict Rifle
Require lv 52
47 - 75 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% chance to cause Ailments
Mountain Lord's Chest Armor
Require lv 52
2030 Armor
+(29–39) Max Life
Grand Explorer Outerwear
Require lv 52
2030 Evasion
+3% Movement Speed
Envoy's Robe
Require lv 52
154 Energy Shield
+(24–32) Max Mana
Mountain Lord Handguards
Require lv 52
1740 Armor
+10% Melee Damage
Grand Explorer's Gloves
Require lv 52
1740 Evasion
+10% Projectile Damage
Envoy's Hands
Require lv 52
132 Energy Shield
+10% Spell Damage
Mountain Lord Helmet
Require lv 52
1740 Armor
+10% Fire Damage
Grand Explorer's Fez
Require lv 52
1740 Evasion
+10% Lightning Damage
Envoy's Mask
Require lv 52
132 Energy Shield
+10% Cold Damage
Mountain Lord's Feet
Require lv 52
1740 Armor
+3% Fire Resistance
Grand Explorer's Heavy Boots
Require lv 52
1740 Evasion
+3% Lightning Resistance
Envoy's Soft Shoes
Require lv 52
132 Energy Shield
+3% Cold Resistance
Crimson Kite Shield
Require lv 52
900 Armor
25% Attack Block
+(36–44) Max Life
Dragonfang Buckler
Require lv 52
900 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+3% Movement Speed
Freedom Square Shield
Require lv 52
132 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+(24–32) Max Mana
Abyssal Ring
Require lv 56
+(20–25)% Erosion Damage
Dragonblood Belt
Require lv 56
+(8–10)% Life Regeneration Speed
Radiant Lunar Belt
Require lv 56
+(24–30)% Mana Regeneration Speed
Heated Ring
Require lv 58
+(8–10)% Fire Resistance
Frozen Ring
Require lv 58
+(8–10)% Cold Resistance
Thunderbane Ring
Require lv 58
+(8–10)% Lightning Resistance
Frostfire Ring
Require lv 58
+(5–6)% Fire and Cold Resistance
Thunderfire Ring
Require lv 58
+(5–6)% Fire and Lightning Resistance
Frosthunder Ring
Require lv 58
+(5–6)% Lightning and Cold Resistances
Protection Ring
Require lv 58
+(3–4)% Elemental Resistance
Crimson Tiger Sting
Require lv 60
57 - 91 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
450 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Life Regain
Rocksplitter Mallet
Require lv 60
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
490 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Area Damage
Eagle Shank
Require lv 60
58 - 93 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
470 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Critical Strike Rating
Coldlight Sword
Require lv 60
67 - 107 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Attack Damage
Bonecrusher Greataxe
Require lv 60
77 - 123 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Physical Damage
Godslaughter Short Dagger
Require lv 60
50 - 80 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
470 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Critical Strike Rating
Villain Cane
Require lv 60
58 - 93 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
470 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Projectile Damage
Wraith Wand
Require lv 60
43 - 69 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Spell Damage
Conflict Maul
Require lv 60
150 - 240 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Skill Area
Unpredictable Board Axe
Require lv 60
118 - 189 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Melee Damage
Sundering Greatsword
Require lv 60
102 - 163 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Attack Damage
Sacred Tree Staff
Require lv 60
91 - 146 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
450 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Attack Block Chance
Voodoo Staff
Require lv 60
65 - 104 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Cast Speed
Voodoo Boomstick
Require lv 60
59 - 94 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% Projectile Damage
Bloody Curve Bow
Require lv 60
102 - 163 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Attack Damage
Cursed War Crossbow
Require lv 60
118 - 189 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
430 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Physical Damage
Wailing Blaster
Require lv 60
126 - 202 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
470 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Area Damage
Giant's Rifle
Require lv 60
86 - 138 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
470 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Elemental Damage
Callous Kite Shield
Require lv 60
1150 Armor
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Hunter's Buckler
Require lv 60
1150 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Nature Caster Shield
Require lv 60
145 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Knight Captain's Heavy Armor
Require lv 61
2230 Armor
+4% Attack Block Chance
Divine Arbiter's Defense
Require lv 61
2240 Armor
+(40–52) Max Life
Specialist Squad Coat
Require lv 61
2230 Evasion
+9% Skill Area
Watcher's Chest Armor
Require lv 61
2240 Evasion
+4% Movement Speed
Bishop's Regalia
Require lv 61
169 Energy Shield
+4% Spell Block Chance
Respected Tutor's Robe
Require lv 61
210 Energy Shield
+(28–36) Max Mana
Knight Captain's Hands
Require lv 61
1910 Armor
+3% Fire Resistance
Divine Arbiter's Hands
Require lv 61
1920 Armor
+12% Melee Damage
Specialist Squad Wristbands
Require lv 61
1910 Evasion
+3% Lightning Resistance
Watcher's Hold
Require lv 61
1920 Evasion
+12% Projectile Damage
Bishop's Hands
Require lv 61
145 Energy Shield
+3% Cold Resistance
Respected Tutor's Gloves
Require lv 61
157 Energy Shield
+12% Spell Damage
Knight Captain's Faceguard
Require lv 61
1910 Armor
+(8–10)% Armor
Divine Arbiter's Diadem
Require lv 61
1920 Armor
+12% Fire Damage
Specialist Squad Hood
Require lv 61
1910 Evasion
+(8–10)% Evasion
Watcher's Gaze
Require lv 61
1920 Evasion
+12% Lightning Damage
Bishop's Miter
Require lv 61
145 Energy Shield
+4% Max Energy Shield
Respected Tutor's Face
Require lv 61
157 Energy Shield
+12% Cold Damage
Knight Captain's Feet
Require lv 61
1910 Armor
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Divine Arbiter's Feet
Require lv 61
1920 Armor
+5% Fire Resistance
Specialist Squad Leather Boots
Require lv 61
1910 Evasion
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Watcher's Trail
Require lv 61
1920 Evasion
+5% Lightning Resistance
Bishop's Footwraps
Require lv 61
145 Energy Shield
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Respected Tutor's Footwraps
Require lv 61
157 Energy Shield
+5% Cold Resistance
Scarlet River Claw
Require lv 66
53 - 85 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
530 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Energy Shield Regain
Primeval War Claw
Require lv 66
59 - 94 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(48–60)% chance to cause Blinding on hit
Primeval War Hammer
Require lv 66
80 - 128 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for Attacks to Knockback targets on hit
Nature Wooden Hammer
Require lv 66
102 - 163 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(40–50)% Minion Damage
Wiseman's Dagger
Require lv 66
54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Damage
Gilt Short Blade
Require lv 66
61 - 98 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(10–12)% Ailment Duration
Hero's Longsword
Require lv 66
53 - 85 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+6% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Gilt Longsword
Require lv 66
70 - 112 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Critical Strike Rating
Conflict War Axe
Require lv 66
62 - 99 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(12–15)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Frenzy Battle Axe
Require lv 66
81 - 130 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
Adds 4 Base Trauma Damage
Sorcerer's Dagger
Require lv 66
54 - 86 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Wilt chance
Hatred Dirk
Require lv 66
60 - 96 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
4% chance to inflict 1 additional stacks of Wilt
Dragonblood Cane
Require lv 66
50 - 80 Physical Damage
1.65 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Damage
Foreshadow Short Staff
Require lv 66
60 - 96 Physical Damage
1.4 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Adds Base (27–34) Shock Damage
Bard's Wand
Require lv 66
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(45–50)% Minion Damage
Sage Wand
Require lv 66
48 - 77 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(16–20)% Sentry Skill cast frequency
Vindicator Maul
Require lv 66
121 - 194 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Knockback distance
Vanquisher Mallet
Require lv 66
158 - 253 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
500 Critical Strike Rating
+10% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Griffin Greataxe
Require lv 66
92 - 147 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(28–35)% Trauma Damage
Blue Sea Greataxe
Require lv 66
123 - 197 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
Attack Skills: 10% chance to ignore Armor
Wolfsoul Claymore
Require lv 66
78 - 125 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+10% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
Glory Greatsword
Require lv 66
106 - 170 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Critical Strike Damage
Judge's Iron Staff
Require lv 66
68 - 109 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(12–15)% Spell Block Chance
Perishing Staff
Require lv 66
94 - 150 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
580 Critical Strike Rating
+(52–65) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
Sage's Staff
Require lv 66
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(52–65)% Critical Strike Rating
Devout Staff
Require lv 66
72 - 115 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
400 Critical Strike Rating
+(36–45)% Minion Max Life
Bloodclaw Zapper
Require lv 66
50 - 80 Physical Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Life Regain
Swarm Pistol
Require lv 66
62 - 99 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+4% Movement Speed
Black Feather Long Bow
Require lv 66
78 - 125 Physical Damage
1.5 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+9% Projectile Speed
Twilight Curve Bow
Require lv 66
125 - 200 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+7% Movement Speed
Conflict Crossbow
Require lv 66
92 - 147 Physical Damage
1.35 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
(19–24)% chance for attacks to inflict Trauma
Blue Sea War Crossbow
Require lv 66
123 - 197 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
550 Critical Strike Rating
+2 Horizontal Projectile Penetration(s)
Abyssal Blaster
Require lv 66
99 - 158 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(24–30)% Skill Area
Monarch's Cannon
Require lv 66
131 - 210 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Converts 50% Physical Damage to Fire Damage
War Rifle
Require lv 66
65 - 104 Physical Damage
1.55 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
+(20–25)% chance to cause Ailments
Scarlet Rifle
Require lv 66
89 - 142 Physical Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
610 Critical Strike Rating
Damage Penetrates 5% Elemental Resistance
Dragon Guardian's Lamellar Armor
Require lv 66
2240 Armor
+5% Attack Block Chance
Fallen Knight's Armor
Require lv 66
2170 Armor
+2% Elemental Resistance
Eternal Night Stalker's Chestguard
Require lv 66
2240 Evasion
+10% Skill Area
Sanctuary of Calamity
Require lv 66
2170 Evasion
+8% chance to avoid damage
Elder Sage's Regalia
Require lv 66
210 Energy Shield
+5% Spell Block Chance
Imperishable Black Robe
Require lv 66
204 Energy Shield
+5% Minion Elemental Resistance
Dragon Guardian Handguards
Require lv 66
1920 Armor
+5% Fire Resistance
Fallen Knight Handguards
Require lv 66
1860 Armor
Adds (6–7) - (10–12) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
Eternal Night Stalker's Hands
Require lv 66
1920 Evasion
+5% Lightning Resistance
Hands of Calamity
Require lv 66
1860 Evasion
Adds 1 - (16–19) Lightning Damage to Attacks and Spells
Elder Sage's Long Gloves
Require lv 66
180 Energy Shield
+5% Cold Resistance
Imperishable Touch
Require lv 66
175 Energy Shield
Adds (6–7) - (10–11) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
Dragon Guardian's Faceguard
Require lv 66
1920 Armor
+(8–10)% Armor
Fallen Knight Helmet
Require lv 66
1860 Armor
+(16–20)% Critical Strike Rating
Eternal Night Stalker's Hood
Require lv 66
1920 Evasion
+(8–10)% Evasion
Mask of Calamity
Require lv 66
1860 Evasion
+5% Attack and Cast Speed
Elder Sage's Chapeau
Require lv 66
180 Energy Shield
+3% Max Energy Shield
Imperishable Miter
Require lv 66
175 Energy Shield
+(32–40)% Minion Critical Strike Rating
Dragon Guardian's Footguards
Require lv 66
1920 Armor
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Fallen Knight's Footguards
Require lv 66
1860 Armor
+10% chance to Ignite targets
Eternal Night Stalker's Long Boots
Require lv 66
1920 Evasion
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Boots of Calamity
Require lv 66
1860 Evasion
+10% Shock chance
Elder Sage's Treads
Require lv 66
180 Energy Shield
+(16–20)% chance to avoid Elemental Ailment
Imperishable Feet
Require lv 66
175 Energy Shield
+10% chance to inflict Frostbite
Falling Star Tower Shield
Require lv 66
1370 Armor
25% Attack Block
+(40–52) Max Life
Warlord's Kite Shield
Require lv 66
1920 Armor
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Vindicator's Tower Shield
Require lv 66
1860 Armor
25% Attack Block
+12% Attack Damage
Thunder Light Shield
Require lv 66
1370 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+4% Movement Speed
Cursed Light Shield
Require lv 66
1920 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Viper Buckler
Require lv 66
1860 Evasion
25% Attack Block
+5% Attack and Cast Speed
Abyssal Square Shield
Require lv 66
157 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+(28–36) Max Mana
Blizzard Square Shield
Require lv 66
180 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+2% Elemental Resistance
Sage's Caster Shield
Require lv 66
175 Energy Shield
25% Attack Block
+12% Spell Damage
When Sparks Set the Prairie Ablaze
Require lv 1
Copies the last Talent on all adjacent slates. Unable to copy Core Talents.
Glorious Journey
Require lv 1
+(15–20) all stats
+(200–250) Fire Damage Reflection
+(200–250) Lightning Damage Reflection
+(200–250) Cold Damage Reflection
Omniscient Prototype
Require lv 1
+(1–10) Gear Armor
+1 Max Life
+1 Max Mana
Vivid Color
Require lv 1
+(80–100) Max Life
+(30–40) Max Mana
<Random rare helmet affix>
<Random precious helmet affix>
+4% Elemental Resistance
Rock Lizard's Skull
Require lv 4
+(400–480) Gear Armor
+(80–100) Max Life
- 20 Physical Damage taken
(8–15) Life Regeneration per second per stack of Tenacity Blessing owned
+60% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing on taking Damage
Siren Faceguard
Require lv 4
Adds (20–24) - (28–32) Cold Damage to Spells
Nearby enemies within 10m are cursed by Lv. (1–5) Biting Cold
Immune to Frostbite
Spring Resurrection
Require lv 6
+(35–50)% Spell Damage
+(15–18)% Cast Speed
Restores (16–20) Life when using skills
Restores (9–15) Mana when using skills
Shadow Dance
Require lv 6
+(50–70)% Movement Speed
When there is a strong enemy in near, a layer of Wither will be acquired every 0.1 seconds with a basic damage of 30 points.
Require lv 10
Adds (15–18) - (21–24) Physical Damage to the gear
+(100–130)% gear Physical Damage
+(15–30)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
Scorching Words
Require lv 10
+1 Fire Skill Level
Adds (16–20) - (24–28) Fire Damage to the gear
Adds (24–28) - (30–34) Fire Damage to Spells
+(20–30)% Fire Damage
+(30–50)% Fire Skill Area
Eternal Moon
Require lv 10
Adds (16–21) - (27–35) Physical Damage to the gear
+(4–5)% gear Attack Speed
Projectile Quantity +1
+2 Horizontal Projectile Penetration(s) while Blur is not active
+2 Jump(s) when Blur is active
Frozen Sight
Require lv 10
Adds (11–14) - (15–18) Cold Damage to the gear
+(30–40)% chance to inflict Frostbite
+(10–15)% gear Attack Speed
Triggers Lv. 20 Ice Shot if you have inflicted Frostbite recently. Interval: 0.3s.
+(20–30)% Cold Damage
Require lv 10
+(120–320) gear Evasion
+(40–50) Max Life
When moving, triggers a Lv. 15 Split Shot every 1s
+30% Projectile Speed
Enlarges Physique by (10–15)%
Dragon Scale Shoes
Require lv 10
+(30–45) Max Life
Regenerates (45–60) Life per second while moving
+20% Movement Speed
Immune to Trauma
Shield of Judgment
Require lv 10
+(16–20)% Attack Block Chance
+(160–200) Max Life
+(150–300) Physical Damage Reflection
+(150–300) Physical Damage Reflection if you have blocked a Spell recently
+(150–300) Physical Damage Reflection if you have blocked an Attack recently
Last Stand
Require lv 10
+(600–800) Gear Armor
+(80–100) Max Life
+(120–150) Max Energy Shield
+(16–20)% Attack Block Chance
+10% Block Ratio when Life is lower than 75%
Blessing Pendant
Require lv 10
+(30–40) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
+(12–16)% Max Energy Shield
+(50–100)% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating when the Energy Shield is not low.
-20% additional Energy Shield Charge Interval
Elemental Whisper Belt
Require lv 10
Adds (15–18) - (23–25) Fire Damage to Spells
Adds (16–17) - (22–26) Cold Damage to Spells
Adds (1–3) - (35–40) Lightning Damage to Spells
Regenerates (5–7) Mana per second
Lone Survivor
Require lv 11
+(60–70) Max Life
If only 1 Ring is equipped, +35% Injury Buffer
If only 1 Ring is equipped, -40% additional Regain Interval
If only 1 Ring is equipped, +(10–20)% Life Regain
If only 1 Ring is equipped, -99% Life Regeneration Speed
Require lv 11
+(25–30) Max Mana
If only 1 Ring is equipped, the Main Skill is supported by a Lv. (1–10) Added Fire Damage
If only 1 Ring is equipped, the Main Skill is supported by a Lv. (1–10) Added Cold Damage
If only 1 Ring is equipped, the Main Skill is supported by a Lv. (1–10) Added Lightning Damage
If only 1 Ring is equipped, the Main Skill is supported by a Lv. (1–10) Added Erosion Damage
Require lv 12
+(120–140)% gear Physical Damage
+(20–25)% Attack Block Chance
Blocks an additional (20–30) Attack Damage
60% chance to gain 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing when Blocking
Block Lucky when Tenacity Blessing is active
Sun-shooter Long Bow
Require lv 12
+(80–100)% gear Physical Damage
+(8–12)% gear Attack Speed
+(8–12)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Jump.
+60% Projectile Damage
Scorching Wave
Require lv 12
+(40–60)% Ignite damage
+(40–60)% chance to Ignite targets
Adds (41–47) - (57–65) Fire Damage to the gear
Adds (120–150)% of Fire Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Ignite Damage
50% chance to spread Ignite to Nearby enemies upon inflicting Ignite
Ralph's Ambition
Require lv 12
Adds (37–43) - (45–52) Physical Damage to the gear
+(10–15)% gear Attack Speed
Have Fervor
+(1–2)% Projectile Damage for every point of Fervor Rating
Pentagram Astrolabe
Require lv 12
<Random Physical Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Fire Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Cold Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Lightning Attack or Spell Damage>
<Random Attack or Spell Erosion Damage>
Desire of Survival
Require lv 12
+(15–20) Strength
+(3–4)% Max Life
(9–11)% Movement Speed at Full Life.
Regenerates 2% of Life per second while moving
Restores 65% of Max Life and knocks back Nearby enemies when at Low Life. Interval: 20 s
Interlocking Soul
Require lv 13
+(16–20) Strength and Intelligence
+(40–60)% Minion Damage
+(20–30)% Minion Max Life
+(20–30)% Minion Duration
Consumes 5% of Max Life when you use Summon Skills
3% Minion Life Regeneration per second
Ice Pulse
Require lv 14
+(15–20)% Frostbite inflicted
+(30–40)% Spell Damage
When killing a Frostbitten enemy, - 20% current cooldown of potion and Mobility skills
+1 Max Charges
Converts 50% of Mana Cost to Life Cost
Boots of Sinned Fire
Require lv 15
+(25–30)% Movement Speed
+25% chance to Ignite targets
+(40–60)% damage against Ignited enemies
Immune to Ignite
Sage's Foresight
Require lv 16
+(60–70)% Spell Damage
+40 Max Mana
Adds (67–68) - (99–105) Cold Damage to Attacks and Spells
+(10–25)% Skill Area
Boor's Iron Crown
Require lv 20
+(50–70) Max Life
+50% chance to gain a Barrier when taking damage. Interval: 4s.
Adds (25–30) - (31–36) Physical Damage to Main-Hand Weapon while Barrier is active
Wind Chasers
Require lv 20
+30% Projectile Speed
Movement Speed is fixed to 130% of the base value
+50% Aiming Skill Duration.
Reverse-Reverse-Reverse Mirror
Require lv 20
+(10–20)% Attack and Spell Block Chance
+108% damage if you have Blocked recently
For every 4 m of movement, gives Nearby enemies 2 stack(s) of Agility Blessing
50% chance to gain Agility Blessing per 6 m you move
Born in Fire
Require lv 20
+5 Max Life per 1 levels
Adds (12–15) - (24–28) Fire Damage to Attacks and Spells
Regenerates (13–15) Life per second
Steel's Lament
Require lv 20
+(40–50) Max Life
(-8–-6)% additional damage taken
Warcry Skills are supported by Lv. (10–15) Gladiator's Roar.
+(10–20)% Warcry Cooldown Recovery Speed
+(80–100)% Warcry Area
Grace Boots
Require lv 22
+(80–90) gear Energy Shield
+(20–30) Intelligence
(-5–-2)% Elemental Resistance
For every stack of Focus Blessing owned, +(6–8)% Movement Speed, up to +(8–9) stacks.
+10% chance for Non-Critical Strikes to grant 1 stack of Focus Blessing
Silent Sentry Shield
Require lv 22
+(500–600) gear Evasion
+(16–20)% Spell Block Chance
+(10–20)% Attack Speed when Spell Block Chance is greater than 60%
+(50–100)% Attack Damage when Attack Block Chance is greater than 60%
Shadow of Thunderlight's Touch
Require lv 24
Adds (3–5) - (78–87) Physical Damage to the gear
Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+(40–50)% gear Attack Speed
+(30–50)% gear Physical Damage
50% for Attacks chance to trigger Combo Lightning
Plain Echo
Require lv 24
+(100–130)% gear Physical Damage
+(20–25)% gear Attack Speed
Restores 5% of Life on defeat
Loses (3–5) Life on hit
+(60–80)% Projectile Damage
Feline Gloves
Require lv 24
+(100–120) Max Life
+(8–10)% Attack and Cast Speed
+(4–6)% Elemental Damage per stack of Agility Blessing owned
+(40–50)% Agility Blessing Duration
+50% chance to gain 1 stack of Agility Blessing on defeat
Air Treaders
Require lv 25
-20% Terra Skill Duration
+80% Movement Speed when standing on a Terra Skill. The effect lasts 2s.
-30% player Movement Speed
+40 Max Life
Require lv 25
When activating Spell Burst,there's -15% additional Skill Area for each time Spell Burst is activated.
Scarlet Decree
Require lv 26
+(1000–1200) Gear Armor
Adds (4–8)% of Physical Damage as Fire Damage
Adds (4–8)% of Physical Damage as Lightning Damage
Added (4–8)% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
+10% Movement Speed
Varagon's Attack
Require lv 30
+(100–130)% gear Physical Damage
+(10–15)% gear Attack Speed
(30–40)% chance for this skill to have +(80–100)% Skill Area when being used
Triggers Lv. (5–15) Fearless Warcry when hitting an enemy. Interval: 3s
Thunder Branch
Require lv 30
Adds (1–2) - (90–96) Lightning Damage to the gear
+(20–30)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
50% for Attacks chance to trigger Combo Lightning
+(80–100)% Lightning Damage when your off-hand weapon slot is empty
Frozen Will
Require lv 30
Adds (34–44) - (52–61) Physical Damage to the gear
+(20–30)% gear Attack Speed
+(40–60)% Cold Damage
+25% Frostbite inflicted
Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Hitting a Frozen enemy triggers Shattering
Imploration Dagger
Require lv 30
+(200–260)% gear Physical Damage
+(40–50)% chance to Multistrike
+(12–15)% gear Attack Speed
+(5–10)% Wilt Duration
Adds (25–35)% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Wilt Damage
Fire Lord's Promise
Require lv 30
+(40–50)% Spell Damage
+(7–12)% Cast Speed
(-20–-10)% Skill Effect Duration
+1 Max Restoration Skill Charges
+(140–160)% Critical Strike Rating if you have cast a Restoration Skill recently.
+(30–40)% Critical Strike Damage while the Restoration Skill lasts
Lightning Conductor Armor
Require lv 30
+(80–90) gear Energy Shield
Adds Base (50–70) Shock Damage
Settles Shock Damage 1 additional times on Critical Strike
+100% Shock chance if you have dealt a Critical Strike recently
Ancient Dragon's Shield
Require lv 30
+(140–160) gear Energy Shield
+(10–15) all stats
+(25–30)% curse effect
30% chance to Reap 1 s of DoT Damage on hit. Cooldown of the effect against the same target: 6 s
Immune to curse
Searing Finger Bone
Require lv 30
Adds (100–150) Base Ignite Damage
+25% chance to Ignite targets
Cannot inflict Reap
Cry of Divinity
Require lv 32
Regenerates 1% Life per second
+30% Minion Damage
Gains (1–2) Command every second for 2 s when Minions land a Critical Strike
Call of Souls
Require lv 32
Regenerates 1% Life per second
+30% Minion Damage
Gains 2 Growth for 2s when Minions land a Critical Strike, up to 50.
Marksman Bracers
Require lv 33
+(150–200) gear Evasion
+(120–150) Max Life
+(12–20)% Projectile Damage
+2 Jumps
+(2–3)% additional damage dealt by Horizontal Projectiles after each Jump (multiplies)
Martyr Dagger
Require lv 35
+(70–80)% gear Physical Damage
Adds (15–17) - (21–23) Physical Damage to the gear
+(20–25) Dexterity
Takes Secondary Erosion Damage equal to 1% of the sum of Max Life and Max Energy Shield on defeat, lasts for 20 s
+3% Spell Damage for every 2% of Max Energy Shield lost
+3% Attack Damage per 1% of Max Life lost
Vestment of Song
Require lv 35
+80 Max Life
+30 Max Mana
+(100–150) Max Energy Shield
+10 all stats
Triggers Lv. 10 Safeguard Field every 15s
Corrupted Marrow
Require lv 35
+(80–110) Max Life and Max Energy Shield
+(15–20)% Skill Area
-99% Terra Charge Recovery Speed
Max Terra Quantity +1
+30% Movement Speed for 2 s when a Terra Skill is cast
Frozen Lightning
Require lv 35
+(15–25) Dexterity and Intelligence
+(40–50)% Elemental Damage
+(5–6)% Cold and Lightning Resistance
Converts 50% of Lightning Damage to Cold Damage
Adds a stack of Slow for 2 s on hit
Clay Doll's Broken Finger
Require lv 35
+100% Spell Damage for 2s after using a Terra Skill.
+40% Terra Skill Area
Enemies taking DoT Damage from Terra are immune to Ailments.
+(50–60) Max Life
Require lv 36
Adds (44–48) - (57–63) Physical Damage to the gear
+(4–6)% chance to deal Double Damage on every recent Critical Strike
+(3–5)% Attack Cast Speed when dealing Double Damage recently, up to +10 stack(s).
Misube's Refusal
Require lv 36
+(80–100)% gear Physical Damage
+(80–100)% Skill Area
+(80–100)% Knockback distance
Sweep Slash can cause Reversed Knockback.
Causes a Knockback when you launch a Steep Strike
Royal Guard's Boots
Require lv 36
+(75–100) Max Energy Shield
+(25–30)% Movement Speed
-20% Erosion Resistance
-5% additional Erosion Damage taken for every 10% of Missing Life
Chain of Resistance
Require lv 36
+(60–80) Max Life
+(10–15)% Attack and Cast Speed
+30% Skill Area if you have defeated an enemy recently
+(50–60)% Area Damage if no enemies are defeated recently
Boom Gloves
Require lv 38
+(130–160) Max Life
Adds (17–19) - (22–25) Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells
Triggers Lv. (15–25) Groundshaker when inflicting Paralysis. Interval: 1.5s.
Knockback direction is reversed
Witchdoctor's Herb Bag
Require lv 38
+(30–50) Max Life
+(15–20) Max Mana
Restoration Skills: +(60–80)% restoration effect
Restoration Skills: +(60–80)% Restoration Duration
Sage's Shackle
Require lv 40
+(15–20) all stats
+20% Cooldown Recovery Speed
Cannot restore Life
+(60–80)% Mana Regeneration Speed
+(10–20)% Energy Shield Charge Speed
Sea Splitter
Require lv 45
Guaranteed to Steep Strike
-20% additional Attack Damage for each attack during Multistrike until Multistrike ends
+200% chance to Multistrike
Arminius Guillotine
Require lv 58
When having at least 10 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing, +30% Weapon Attack Speed
Own 3 additional stacks of Tenacity Blessing
Highest Glance
Require lv 58
+ 3 Steep Strikes for every 4 m moved
-80% additional Sweep Slash Damage; +(80–100)% additional Steep Strike Damage
Supremacy's Forge
Require lv 58
+1% Attack Damage for every (400–500) Armor
-15% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration
End Night Banquet
Require lv 58
Loses 2 stack(s) of Agility Blessing and gains Banquet when Agility Blessing reaches max stacks
+(20–22)% attack Critical Strike Damage per stack of Agility Blessing
Ominous Gift
Require lv 58
+10% Critical Strike Rating for the Main-Hand Weapon
+10% Main-Hand Weapon Attack Speed
Adds (150–200)% of the damage of the Off-Hand Weapon to the Main-Hand Weapon
Circular Clearing
Require lv 58
Fervor gains an additional base effect: +0.3% Multistrike chance for every point of Fervor Rating
+(30–50)% Fervor effect
Gains 2 stacks of Meditate per second while standing still
Cursed Flame
Require lv 58
When Ignite is inflicted, Ignite spreads and +(40–48)% additional Ignite Damage taken by Nearby enemies
Adds (351–400)% of Main-Hand Weapon Damage to Base Ignite Damage
Farewell Desire
Require lv 58
30% chance to obtain 1 Steep Strike(s) on each attack during Multistrike.
Multistrikes deal (100–120)% increasing damage
Spends 1% Life and Mana on defeat
Fleeting Regret
Require lv 58
+70% Critical Strike Rating and +28% Attack Speed if you have Blocked recently
+50% Attack and Spell Block while Dual Wielding
Tear Stains
Require lv 58
每有 1 层引导层数, +35% 攻击伤害,最高 700%
每有 1 层引导层数, +35% 攻击暴击伤害,最高 700%
Incorrect Arbitration
Require lv 58
+(300–400)% Attack Critical Strike Rating for this gear
Inflicts Bleed, Wilt, and Shock that deals 1000 damage on yourself on Critical Strike
Variel's Snicker
Require lv 58
Gains a Void Orb per 1 s while moving
+2 Void Orb Quantity for every piece of Legendary gear equipped, up to 6
Ignores enemy Armor, Elemental Resistance and Erosion Resistance when the Void Orb reaches its cap
Steel Stagnation
Require lv 58
Demolisher Charge's Restoration Speed is set to 400% of the default value
Main Skill is supported by Lv. (21–30) Devastator
Iron Earthshaker
Require lv 58
+1% Skill Area for every (40–60) Mana sealed off, up to 300%
<Random Life, Mana, Energy Shield affix>
Elemental Whirl
Require lv 58
Adds (70–80)% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Ailment Damage
Upon inflicting damage, +8% additional damage for every type of Ailment the enemy has (multiplies)
Leaf Light
Require lv 58
+2% Ailment Duration per (4–5) Dexterity
For every (8–10) Intelligence, +1% Crowd Control Effect, up to +200%.
Require lv 58
Gains (91–120)% of the skill's damage as Base Wilt Damage
Wilted enemies defeated by you will explode, dealing Secondary Erosion Damage equal to (80–100)% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius
Frantic Shadow
Require lv 58
(1–2)% chance to gain +120% Attack Speed for 1 s when Shadows hit enemies
20% chance to gain +40% Attack Speed for 2 s when Shadows hit enemies
Mountain Howling
Require lv 58
+(112–115)% additional Attack Damage when no enemies are Nearby
Gains 1 stack(s) of Slow when enemies are nearby
Bow of Endless Dusk
Require lv 58
Adds (140–180)% of Physical Damage as Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage
-80% additional Spell Damage
-80% additional Minion Damage
Imperial General
Require lv 58
-60% Barrage Skill Wave Interval
For every 3 m of movement made recently, +1 Barrage Skill Waves. Stacks up to (6–7) time(s).
King Lionheart's Ambition
Require lv 58
Adds (50–60)% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Ignite Damage per stack of Agility Blessing
For every 5 stack(s) of Agility Blessing, Ignited enemies will explode when defeated, dealing Secondary Fire Damage equal to 25% of the enemies' Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius of the defeated enemies
Severed Wrist
Require lv 58
+(40–60)% additional damage for Main-Hand Weapons
+(40–60)% Main-Hand Weapon Attack Speed
Projectile Quantity +2
Require lv 58
When using a Mobility Skill, you can use 1 stack(s) of Agility Blessing to reset the Mobility Skill's cooldown. Interval: 0.3 s
+30% Movement Speed if you have used a Mobility Skill recently
Require lv 58
+3 Jumps
+(16–20)% additional damage dealt by Horizontal Projectiles after each Jump (multiplies)
Traveler's Glance
Require lv 58
+80% chance for Attacks to Mark the target on hit
+(400–500)% Mark effect
Dumb Voice
Require lv 58
Adds 1% of Physical Damage as Lightning Damage per (1200–1500) Evasion
+1 Critical Strike Rating per (1200–1500) Evasion
Jumble Ice
Require lv 58
+(10–12)% additional Spell Damage per stack of Focus Blessing owned
For every 1 stack of Focus Blessing gained every 2 s, -20% Spell Damage
+20 Spell Critical Strike Rating per stack of Focus Blessing owned
Shadow of Thunderlight's Fury
Require lv 58
The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. (21–30) Electric Overload when an Elite is nearby.
Damage becomes Lucky and at least 4 stack(s) of Spell Burst Charge is consumed when Spell Burst is activated
Takes 200 Secondary Lightning Damage every second for every 1 Max Spell Burst
Twisted Branch
Require lv 58
(40–50)% of the increase/decrease on Skill Area is also applied to Projectile Speed
+(40–50)% Projectile Duration
Require lv 58
+(1–2) all skills' level
Every 2 s, gain following effects in turn: +100% Skill Area, +80% Movement Speed
Require lv 58
When Focus Blessing reaches max stacks, triggers Lv. (26–30) Scorching Pulse when taking damage. Cooldown: 0.3 s.
When you have 3 types of Blessings, +40% Injury Buffer for yourself and Nearby enemies.
<Random Fire Skill trigger affix>
Sage's Disciple
Require lv 58
Adds 300 - 500 Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Spells when having at least 1000 Intelligence
+(20–30)% Intelligence
+(2–3)% additional Max Energy Shield for every 200 Intelligence
<For every 4 Intelligence, adds 1 random type of elemental damage to Spells.>
Traveler's Prayer
Require lv 58
Gains 4 Command every second for each activated Aura
-100% Aura Effect received by you and +120% Aura Effect
Elemental Sigh
Require lv 58
+4% Elemental Resistance Penetration for every +5% Attack Block
+(11–12)% Critical Strike Damage for every +5% Spell Block
Unbreakable Armor
Require lv 58
Triggers Lv. (16–20) Reform when taking damage. Interval: 5s
Adds (5–6)% of Armor to Barrier Shield
Evil Heart Armor
Require lv 58
Inflicts (1–2) additional stacks of Wilt on hit. Has a 80% chance to remove all Wilt
+(300–400)% additional Wilt Damage dealt by the next Main Skill every 1.5 s
Shattered Moonlight
Require lv 58
Max Spell Burst Charge Speed Bonus is fixed at (220–250)%
+80% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst
Kingly Armor
Require lv 58
Terra Charge's Restoration Speed is set to (250–300)% of the default value
Max Terra Quantity +1
+2% Movement Speed for every Terra Charge consumed recently. Stacks up to (10–15) time(s)
Royal Cycle
Require lv 58
-100% Elemental Damage.
+1% additional Elemental Damage for every (10–12) of the highest stat among Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence
+100 all stats
-1% Elemental Resistance for every 10 of the lowest stat among Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence
Endless Fortress
Require lv 58
Max Synthetic Troop Quantity +1
+20% additional damage for Minions when they are at Low Life
Corrupted Bulwark
Require lv 58
+(1000–1200) Max Energy Shield
+2% additional Energy Shield Charge Speed for every (4–5)% of Energy Shield lost
Frozen Path
Require lv 58
+(4–6)% Max Cold Resistance
For every 1% Cold Resistance, +(5–7) Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
Cicada Shell
Require lv 58
+(12–15)% Max Life, Max Mana, and Max Energy Shield
50% of damage taken bypass Energy Shield; Adds Elemental Damage equal to (8–10)% of Max Energy Shield to Attacks and Spells.
Require lv 58
+15% additional damage taken by enemies in Proximity
(-20–-16)% additional damage against enemies in proximity
Sacred Wall
Require lv 58
Changes the base effect of Tenacity Blessing to: -8% additional Physical Damage taken. When receiving Elemental Damage, consumes all Tenacity Blessing stacks, restoring 2% of Max Life per stack consumed
Own 1 additional stacks of Tenacity Blessing
Blocks additional damage equal to 1.5% of Max Life when at max Tenacity Blessing.
Stellar Vestment of Eminence
Require lv 58
-60% Barrage Skill Wave Interval
Barrage Skills +(31–35)% damage increase per wave and -10% Skill Area for every wave of Barrage
Lightless Vestment of Whispers
Require lv 58
+10 Skill Cost, +20% Skill Area, and +100% Spell Damage for every channeled stack when the number of channeled stacks is the same as the stacks of Focus Blessing
Takes 100 Secondary Erosion Damage when using a skill
Devouring Tide
Require lv 58
+75% Critical Strike Rating each time an attack hits during Multistrike
Multistrikes deal (40–50)% increasing damage
Takes 400 Secondary Fire Damage per second for 4 s upon reaching the Max Multistrike Count. Stacks up to 2 times
Cold Breath
Require lv 58
+25% Skill Cost
Adds (16–20)% of Max Mana as Energy Shield
Fiend Crown
Require lv 58
+(60–80)% Minion Critical Strike Damage
Minions gain Lucky upon a Critical Strike
Webbed Arcane Headscarf
Require lv 58
Gains Barrier while standing still. Interval: 0.3 s.
When Max Life is higher than 5000 , creates a Barrier that aborbs (70–75)% damage
When Max Energy Shield is greater than 5000 , +(60–80)% Barrier Shield
Blind Vision
Require lv 58
The Main Skill is supported by Lv. (11–15) Wind Projectiles.
30% of Projectile Speed bonus is also applied to the additional damage bonus
Imperial Iron Sentry
Require lv 58
Main-Hand Weapon's Critical Strike Rating is also set as the Base Critical Strike Rating of Spell Sentry Skills
+(30–40)% Critical Strike Rating for the Main-Hand Weapon
Restores 3% Life and Energy Shield when a Sentry lands a Critical Strike. Interval: 1 s
Challenger's Headband
Require lv 58
+(7–10)% additional damage and consumes 3 stacks of Tenacity Blessing for every stack of Tenacity Blessing you own when Demolisher Charge is consumed
+30% chance to gain 1 additional stacks of Tenacity Blessing when gaining Tenacity Blessing. Interval: 0.1s
When Winter Comes
Require lv 58
Randomly -1% enemy Elemental Resistance or -1% enemy Armor per Barrage wave. Stacks up to 15 times. Lasts 1 s
+(1–2) Total Barrage Wave
Chaos Abyss
Require lv 58
+1% Elemental and Erosion Resistance Penetration for every stack of Wilt inflicted recently, up to 50 stack(s)
Adds (150–200) Base Wilt Damage
10% chance to inflict 1 additional stacks of Wilt
Thunder Manipulator
Require lv 58
Settles Shock (3–4) additional times upon hitting Marked enemies
Mark Shocked enemies on hit
Gains (3–4)% of Lightning Damage hit as Base Shock Damage upon hitting a marked enemy
Blinding Bracers
Require lv 58
+10% additional damage dealt to Blinded enemies and -10% additional damage taken from Blinded enemies
Blinds Ignited enemies on hit
Tyrant's Iron Fist
Require lv 58
+5 Skill Mana Cost for every (351–400) Max Mana
+5% Critical Strike Rating for every 200 Mana sealed
Require lv 58
Double Life Regain
+10% additional Max Life
-10% additional Regain Interval
Dangerous Silence
Require lv 58
Gains Demolisher Charge on Critical Strike. Critical Strike Damage is set to (150–200)%
+100% Skill Area if Main Skill is not used in the last 1 s
Shackled by Light
Require lv 58
(30–40)% chance to gain 1 stack(s) of Illusory Light when a Shadow hits an enemy. 0.1 s after the true body hits an enemy, loses all Illusory Light
-70% additional Shadow Damage
Torturer's Touch
Require lv 58
Reaps 0.4 s of the DoT Damage against Nearby enemy with full Affliction. The effect has a 1 s cooldown against the same target
Reaping removes 100% Affliction from enemies
Resolution Steps
Require lv 58
Gains 3 stacks of Tenacity Blessing every 1 s if you have taken damage recently
+(3–4)% Elemental resistance for every stack of Tenacity Blessing you have
Final Bastion
Require lv 58
Regenerates 8% Life per second
Immune to Knockbacks
Regenerates 8% Life per second when taking DoT Damage
Endless Night
Require lv 58
+1% Elemental Resistance for every (40–50) Dexterity
+(21–25)% Cooldown Recovery Speed when Agility Blessing is active
Valerie's Night Stroll
Require lv 58
Refresh Blur upon gaining Blur; +(20–30)% Blur effect
Stealth Stab
Loses 20 Blur Rating when landing a Critical Strike. Interval: 1 s
Archmage's Boots
Require lv 58
Consumes 30% Mana per second
+(2–3)% additional Spell Damage per 1000 Max Mana owned
Powered Battle Greaves
Require lv 58
+(30–40)% Movement Speed at Full Energy Shield
+(15–20)% chance to avoid damage while Energy Shield Charge is active
Energy Shield Charge cannot be interrupted when Energy Shield is below (60–80)%
Guild Guard Boots
Require lv 58
+80% chance to gain a Barrier upon using a Defensive Skill
+50% chance to gain Hardened Barrier when suffering Severe Injury. Lasts for (2–3) s
+50% chance to gain a (2–3) s Thrill Barrier upon inflicting Elemental Ailment
King's Boon
Require lv 58
Reaps 0.25 s of DoT Damage when dealing DoT Damage. The effect has a 1.5 s cooldown against the same target
More With Less
+(30–40)% additional DoT Damage taken
Mind Infusion
Require lv 58
When casting an Empower Skill, triggers Lv. 15 Dark Gate. Cooldown: 6s.
+1 Minion Skill Level
Ralph's Footsteps
Require lv 58
Fervor gains an additional base effect: +1% Movement Speed for every 5 Fervor Rating
+1% Fervor Effect every 0.5 s while Fervor is active, up to (75–100) stacks. Each stack lasts for 100 s
-50% additional Fervor Duration
Feline Steps
Require lv 58
Max Agility Blessing Stacks: (8–9)
+10% Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed per stack of Agility Blessing owned
God of Strength's Gift
Require lv 58
+1% Max Energy Shield for every (12–15) Strength
Adds 15% Strength as Intelligence
Arcane Shield
Require lv 58
Triggers Lv. (11–15) Secret Origin Unleash every 3s
+(6–7)% Energy Shield Regain
The Coward's Choice
Require lv 58
+(26–30)% Armor Effective Rate if you have blocked an Attack or Spell recently
8% Lost Life restored on Block
Aeterna Martyr
Require lv 58
Adds (220–250)% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon to Base Trauma Damage
(250–300)% of the Life Regeneration Speed bonus is also applied to Reaping's Cooldown Recovery Speed
Dragon Scale Warshield
Require lv 58
+(3–4)% Block Ratio each time you Blocked recently, stacking up to 10 times
+50% chance to gain Dragon's Heart when Blocking. Lasts for 3 s
Horn Ring
Require lv 58
+(100–120)% Minion Critical Strike Damage and Movement Speed when casting an Empower Skill. Lasts 4 s
+10% additional damage taken
Exemption Thunderhell
Require lv 58
For each recent hit made by Thunder Imbue, +2% Lightning Damage.
+(120–150)% additional Thunder Imbue Damage
Stream of Steel
Require lv 58
(0.6–0.8)% Life Regeneration per second per stack of Tenacity Blessing owned
Every 1 s, gain 1 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing
Windbreath Dispersion
Require lv 58
+(2–3) minimum channeled stacks when equipped in the left Ring slot
+15% chance to deal Double Damage while channeling
Traceless Pain
Require lv 58
+(30–40)% Skill Effect Duration
Reaps 0.5 s of the DoT Damage against Nearby enemy with full Affliction. The effect has a 1.5 s cooldown against the same target
Hero's Gaze
Require lv 58
+(6–8)% additional Attack Damage for every attack Blocked recently (multiplies). Stacks up to 6 time(s)
Triggers Lv. 10 Focused Impact when blocking. Interval: 1 s
Require lv 58
+(16–20) all stats
Gains the following buffs by turns. Each buff lasts for 4 s:
+(40–50)% additional Erosion Damage
+(40–50)% additional Elemental Damage
+(40–50)% additional Physical Damage
Master Defender Pendant
Require lv 58
+50% additional Defense gained from Helmets
+50% additional Defense gained from Chest Armor
Blocks an additional (80–100) damage
Magnus' Mindflame
Require lv 58
-5% Fire Resistance
True Flame
+15% Fire Penetration
Ocean of Rock
Require lv 58
Adds (25–30)% of Max Life to Energy Shield
+150 Max Life and Max Energy Shield
Misfortune Watch
Require lv 58
Every (1.5–3) s, the next Main Skill is guaranteed to deal a Critical Strike
Unlucky Damage
+50% Critical Strike Damage
Shooting Star
Require lv 58
Consumes 20% Life per second
If you have consumed more than 60% Life, (-40–-30)% additional damage taken
Broken Sun Ring
Require lv 58
-20% Steep Strike chance.
Gains Blazing Sun for every 3 Sweep Slash(es), lasting for (1–3)s
Mother Goddess' Paddock
Require lv 58
Max Terra Quantity bonus is set to (0–1)
When consuming Terra Charge while it is not at max stacks, for every 1 Terra Charge consumed, +(15–20)% additional Affliction Effect.
50% chance to gain 2 stacks of Terra Charge when Terra Charge is consumed
Require lv 58
+(300–500) Critical Strike Rating when Unarmed
+(20–30)% additional damage when Unarmed
Chain behind the Curtain
Require lv 58
Blur gains an additional effect: +1 Affliction inflicted per second for every 5 points of Blur Rating
Triggers Lv. (10–20) Obscure when moving. Interval: 3 s
Strange Snow
Require lv 58
Consumes 20% of Max Life and inflicts 70 Affliction to Nearby enemies when at Full Life
+(80–120)% Affliction effect
Iron Nest
Require lv 58
Loses Command instead of gaining it when using Dark Gate
Command decreases every second instead of increasing every second
When Command is lower than -20 , for every -1 Command, -1% Aura Area and +1% Aura Effect
+(2–5) to Synthetic Troop Minions' stack(s) of Horizontal Projectile Jumps
When Command is lower than -60 , +(10–30)% to the physique of Nearby Synthetic Troop Minions
+100% Multistrike chance for Nearby Synthetic Troops, and Multistrikes' damage increment +55%
Howling Wind
Require lv 58
+15% Projectile Speed
Eternal Sun
Require lv 58
For every 2% Life you have, regenerates 0.4% Life every second and 0.4% Life Regain
+1% additional Life Regeneration Speed, -0.5% additional Life Regain Interval for every 2% of Life lost.
Require lv 58
+3000 Evasion while a Defensive Skill Effect is active
Spell Damage will not further reduce Evasion by default while a Defensive Skill Effect is active.
Strayed Healer's Waistguard
Require lv 58
+(150–200)% Wilt Damage if you have used a Restoration Skill recently
+50% chance to inflict an additional stack of Wilt if you have used a Restoration Skill recently
Damage dealt is guaranteed to inflict Wilt while a restoration effect is active
Pale Mist's Embrace
Require lv 58
+150 Max Life
(50–60)% of the increase/decrease on Skill Area is also applied to Area Damage
Compensatory Life
Require lv 58
+(5–6)% Spell Damage for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 1500%
+1% Life Regeneration Speed for every 100 Mana consumed recently, up to 400%
You have a Lv. 20 Elemental Amplification when not at Low Life
Light Hunter Belt
Require lv 58
Converts (16–20)% Life to Energy Shield
+2% additional Energy Shield Charge Speed for every 5% of Energy Shield lost
Energy Shield charge cannot be interrupted
-99% additional Energy Shield Charge Speed when having more than (80–90)% Energy Shield
Corrosion of Manifolds
Require lv 58
-1% Max Erosion Resistance and +(12–13)% Erosion Resistance per stack of Tenacity Blessing owned.
Restores 10% of Max Life and Mana per 4 s when Tenacity Blessing is active
Exquisite Box
Require lv 60
+40% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed
<Random Defensive, Empower, Restoration, Warcry, or Curse Skill Effect affix>
Trigger the skill of the forth slot upon taking Damage. Cooldown: 0.75 s.
Triggers the skill of the fifth slot when dealing damage. Cooldown: 0.75 s.
-16% additional damage for Triggered Skills
Require lv 66
+(160–220) Max Life
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Morale on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Nightmare on defeat
+(10–20)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Shadow on defeat
+(30–50)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Guard upon defeating Magic monsters
+(10–20)% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Simulacra upon defeating Magic monsters
+100% chance to gain 1 stacks of Eternal Reign upon killing an Elite
Imperial Might
Require lv 75
+(60–80)% Armor and Evasion.
Enlarges Physique upon killing an Elite
For every 1 Legendary Aptitude, +(10–15)% Defense from Helmet, Gloves, and Boots
For every 2 Legendary Aptitude(s), (-2–-1)% Sealed Mana and +(1–2)% Aura Effect
Owns Emperor's Wrath when the sum of Legendary Aptitudes exceeds (20–25)
Netherrealm - Help

Clear Netherrealm stages to acquire XP, gear, and embers.
Certain stages may drop exclusive rare items.

Netherrealm - Beacon - Help

Beacons are mainly acquired from the Netherrealm.
Better beacons have a chance to drop from the Bosses of Netherrealm.On top of that, the stage boss of Story Chapter 5 also drops beacons.

Netherrealm - Map Affix - Help

The number of base affixes has an impact on a Netherrealm stage in terms of the drop quantity and rarity.
You may reset affixes on a map to avoid dangerous harmful affixes or to pursue better potential rewards from Netherrealm stages.

Disciple monsters have 1 special effect, including: Restoration Over Time for Nearby monsters, Life restoration on hit, Erosion Terra generation upon defeat, and delayed Area Damage upon defeat.

Netherrealm - Plane Watcher - Help

Each Plane Watcher yields Cinder along with bountiful and exclusive rewards.

Netherrealm - Exclusive Drop - Help

Stages and bosses of each plane may drop exclusive items.
As the plane difficulty increases, more exclusive items will be added with higher drop rates.
Defeating the plane boss or the Traveler guarantees a piece of exclusive Legendary gear.

Netherrealm - Plane Difficulty - Help

Defeating a plane boss enables you to increase the plane's difficulty.
This also makes your adventure more rewarding.

Netherrealm - Unlock Plane - Help

Collect sufficient Cinders to unlock new Netherrealm planes.
You start over from different difficulties with these planes, and unlocking them will also yield additional Cinders.

Netherrealm - Netherrealm Compass - Help

Netherrealm Compass Slots will unlock after you've collected 18 Cinders.
Use the Compasses before entering the map to bring both greater rewards and greater challenges.

Netherrealm - Chaos Invasion - Help

After the Netherrealm Chaos Invasion begins, complete stages corresponding to the Confusion Cards to accumulate progress.
When the progress on Confusion Cards is complete, the current Chaos Invasion will end.
Adjustments made to Trait Cards only take effect when a new Chaos Invasion begins.

Netherrealm - Trait Card - Help

After each round of Chaos Invasion, you can select one card from three Trait Cards and add it to the card library and manually set the Trait Cards to be used in the next round.
The decks of Trait Cards in the planes are mutually independent.

Netherrealm - Confusion Card - Help

When Trait Cards with a certain tag in a deck of Trait Cards are more than the cards with other tags, the Confusion Cards with that specific tag have a higher chance to appear.
Maybe you can come up with unique strategies around some Confusion Cards...

Netherrealm - Card Inheritance - Help

The effects of the cards with the keyword Inheritance last over time, affecting all the stages in the plane.
Some cards' effects will multiply rewards when they are combined via Inheritance.

Netherrealm - Card Awakening - Help

Trait Cards have a really small chance to be awakened when drawn.
Awakened cards have way better values than the original cards.
The chance of awakening will be slightly enhanced along with the increase of the level of a card.

Netherrealm - Traveler - Help

You can only challenge the Traveler after reaching the highest difficulty on all planes (collect 35 cinders).
As the current final boss, the Traveler is extraordinarily powerful, but players may challenge him as many times as they want.
After completing the first Traveler challenge, you will need to defeat four plane bosses to be able to challenge the Traveler again.

Netherrealm - Help
About Beacons:
1. Beacons are required to start a Netherrealm stage. Each Netherrealm stage can only be started with a specified Beacon.
2. The best way to obtain Beacons is to defeat monsters in the Netherrealm.
3. Typically, the rank of the dropped Beacon matches the Timemark of its respective plane, but it will not be higher than the level of the stage where the Beacon is dropped.

About Plane Watcher:
1. You'll earn Starshards for completing each Netherrealm stage. Once you've collected enough Starshards, you can challenge the Plane Watcher of that Timemark. 2. Defeating the Plane Watcher unlocks a series of more challenging Netherrealm content, including new planes, new Timemarks, and endgame bosses.

About Netherrealm - Spacetime Turbulence:
1. After defeating Traveler - Realm Lord, you will be able to unlock Netherrealm - Spacetime Turbulence, which features high difficulty along with plentiful rewards.
2. Beacons used in Netherrealm - Spacetime Turbulence are mostly dropped by Plane Watchers of Timemark 7.

1. Progress in the Netherrealm is shared across the same account and season. In other words, all characters on the same account share the same Netherreal during a season.
Netherrealm - Path of Achievements /39
title desc
Netherrealm Tourist
  • Clear 1 Netherrealm map

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Rookie
  • Clear Netherrealm map 10 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Wanderer
  • Clear Netherrealm map 30 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Adventurer
  • Clear Netherrealm map 80 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Explorer
  • Clear Netherrealm map 100 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Warrior
  • Clear 300 Netherrealm maps

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Elite
  • Clear Netherrealm map 500 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Netherrealm Legend
  • Clear Netherrealm map 1000 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Netherrealm Epic
  • Clear Netherrealm map 2000 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x80
    Netherrealm Challenger
  • Kill Plane Watcher 1 time

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Vanquisher
  • Kill Plane Watcher 6 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Conqueror
  • Kill Plane Watcher 20 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Netherrealm Dominator
  • Kill Plane Watcher 50 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Netherrealm Prime
  • Kill Plane Watcher 100 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x80
    Netherrealm Trailblazer
  • Unlock 3 Netherrealm planes.

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Netherrealm Loremaster
  • Unlock all Netherrealm planes.

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    I Made It!
  • Kill Traveler 1 time

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Power of Fire!
  • Kill Traveler 5 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Relight the Torch!
  • Kill Traveler 10 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Purge the Darkness!
  • Kill Traveler 20 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Eternal Flames!
  • Kill Traveler 50 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x80
    Complete Netherrealm Map
  • Complete a Netherrealm map

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Challenge Netherrealm
  • Complete 2 Netherrealm Maps with 4 affixes
  • Netherrealm map affixes increase the difficulty of the map while making it more rewarding.
    Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Search Mystery Chest
  • Open 2 chests

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Trial: God of War
  • Participate the Trial: God of War 2 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Trial: God of Might
  • Participate the Trial: God of Might 2 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Challenge Plane Watcher
  • Kill Plane Watcher 1 time
  • Defeating a Plane Watcher will increase your Plane Level and reward you with a Cinder.
    Reward: Pactspirit Crystal x2
    Acquire Beacon
  • Acquire 10 rank 2 Netherrealm beacons

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Acquire Netherrealm Special drop
  • Acquire 2 exclusive Legendary gear
  • Every Plane Watcher has its own unique drops which can be viewed before initiating the challenge.
    Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Increase Netherrealm Plane Level
  • Unlock 3 Netherrealm planes.

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Use Netherrealm Compass
  • Use Compass 50 times

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Challenge Plane Watcher
  • Kill Plane Watcher 15 times

  • Reward: Revival Token x1
    Unlock New Netherrealm Plane
  • Unlock all Netherrealm planes.
  • A new Netherrealm Plane will be unlocked once a certain number of Cinders are collected from challenging Plane Watchers.
    Reward: Jagged Primocryst x20
    Challenge Netherrealm
  • Complete 10 Netherrealm Maps with 10 affixes

  • Reward: Revival Token x1
    Acquire Netherrealm Special drop
  • Acquire 10 exclusive Legendary gear

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Challenge the Traveler
  • Kill Traveler 1 time

  • Reward: Appearance Crystal x2
    Challenge High-Difficulty Netherrealm
  • Complete 20 Netherrealm Maps with 12 affixes

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Acquire Netherrealm Special drop
  • Acquire 20 exclusive Legendary gear

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
  • Kill Traveler 5 times

  • Reward: Pactspirit Crystal x2
    Netherrealm - Path of Achievements /40
    title desc
    Light of Hope (Rehan)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Rehan

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Rehan)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Rehan

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Rehan)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Rehan

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Rehan)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Rehan

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Divineshot)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Divineshot

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Divineshot)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Divineshot

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Divineshot)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Divineshot

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Divineshot)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Divineshot

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Gemma)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Gemma

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Gemma)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Gemma

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Gemma)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Gemma

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Gemma)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Gemma

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Spacetime Witness)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Spacetime Witness

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Spacetime Witness)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Spacetime Witness

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Spacetime Witness)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Spacetime Witness

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Spacetime Witness)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Spacetime Witness

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Commander)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Commander

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Commander)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Commander

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Commander)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Commander

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Commander)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Commander

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Oracle)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Oracle

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Oracle)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Oracle

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Oracle)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Oracle

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Oracle)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Oracle

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Cateye)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Erika

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Cateye)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Erika

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Cateye)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Erika

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Cateye)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Erika

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (Escapist)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Bing

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    A Hero's Journey (Escapist)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Bing

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Heroic Legend (Escapist)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Bing

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Epic Poetry (Escapist)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Bing

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x10
    Light of Hope (The Forsaken)
  • Defeat the Traveler as The Forsaken

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    A Hero's Journey (The Forsaken)
  • Reach Lv.80 as The Forsaken

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Heroic Legend (The Forsaken)
  • Reach Lv.90 as The Forsaken

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Epic Poetry (The Forsaken)
  • Reach Lv.100 as The Forsaken

  • Reward: Jagged Primocryst x30
    Light of Hope (Lightbringer)
  • Defeat the Traveler as Lightbringer
  • A Hero's Journey (Lightbringer)
  • Reach Lv.80 as Lightbringer
  • Heroic Legend (Lightbringer)
  • Reach Lv.90 as Lightbringer
  • Epic Poetry (Lightbringer)
  • Reach Lv.100 as Lightbringer